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Monday, December 31, 2018

6 Mistakes Every Keto Beginner Makes (and How to Avoid Them)

Thinking about going keto? A ketogenic diet could help you drop pounds faster than traditional weight-loss plans, research shows. And plenty of proponents say going super low-carb boosts their energy and helps them think more clearly. In other words, giving this trendy eating style a try could deliver big benefits. That is, if you know what you’re doing. There are lots of ways a keto diet can go wrong—and when that happens, you might find yourself...

6 New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Ah, the New Year's resolution—for some, the idea of setting a year-long goal is invigorating and motivational. For the rest of us, well, we're lucky to make it to the first week of February. Failed resolutions happen for a variety of reasons: Perhaps you were a tad ambitious with your commitment (not that you can't do anything...

Will Drinking Coffee Wreck My Intermittent Fast?

Before changing the way you eat and altering your diet in any significant way, please speak with a health professional to make sure it's the best decision for you. Although intermittent fasting (IF) has its benefits, going without food or drink for hours on end is serious business. It’s natural for anyone in the middle of a fast to wonder if coffee is “allowed” or if it will undo all their hard work. What about green tea or just a tiny snack? Here’s...

14 Keto Muffins You Won't Believe You Get to Eat


Why Drinking Again Was the Right Choice for Me

My 49th birthday seemed a good day to start drinking again, despite being warned not to. I come from a family of drinkers, and for 30 years, I drank at levels that certainly went beyond "moderate." I'm not sure "heavy" was accurate, and I didn't have a "problem." Or at least, I don't think I did. Mostly, I didn't like the amount...

The Absolute Best Way to Get Your Relationship Out of a Sex Rut

In my time as a relationship and intimacy expert, I've seen a lot of couples who aren't thinking about divorce and appear from the outside to be happily married and doing fine—but they aren't having sex. And that means that no, they aren't doing fine. We all know that keeping up a healthy sex life in a long-term relationship...

Medical News Today: Diabetes and erectile dysfunction may be genetically linked

A new, large-scale genomic analysis suggests that having a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes may cause erectile dysfunctio...

Medical News Today: Can exercise lower blood pressure as effectively as drugs?

The most common treatment for high blood pressure consists of taking specific medication, but could regular exercise bring the same benefit...

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Medical News Today: Mindfulness 'has huge potential' as a weight loss strategy

New evidence supports the idea that mindfulness techniques can enhance and facilitate weight loss efforts by encouraging better eating habit...

Medical News Today: Does magnesium hold the key to vitamin D benefits?

Research has linked low vitamin D levels with a range of conditions, including bowel cancer. But, without magnesium, vitamin D may not function properl...

Saturday, December 29, 2018

6 steps toward a successful exercise resolution

Here we are at the end of December, and some of us are contemplating another chance for a fresh reboot. The infamous New Year’s resolutions are a common topic. Last year I wrote a blog post about an overall view of how to be successful when thinking about reaching a goal. Changing behavior is all about learning a new skill. Ultimately, you are teaching your brain that you can do a specific job, creating a new habit that eventually will be part of...

Medical News Today: How coffee might protect against Parkinson's

Over recent years, it has been clear that coffee protects against Parkinson's disease. A recent study tries to pin down the exact molecules involve...

Medical News Today: Bipolar: Physical activity may boost mood and energy

New research suggests that physical activity may treat depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder, as scientists find a link between motor activity and moo...

Friday, December 28, 2018

Poll shows plurality in Kentucky still favor Obamacare; Chandler says numbers suggest opinion of law has settled in state

Kentuckians remain divided about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but for the second straight year more of them clearly favor it than oppose it, according to the latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll co-sponsored by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. Taken Aug. 26 through Oct. 21, the poll found that 44 percent...

Breckinridge County rejects tax for struggling hospital, which blames Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement cuts for its plight

The Breckinridge County Fiscal Court has unanimously rejected Breckinridge Memorial Hospital's request for a tax to shore up the financially struggling 25-bed hospital in Hardinsburg. The magistrates and County Judge-Executive Maurice Lucas voted 7-0 at a special meeting on Dec. 20 to deny the request of the hospital, which...

U of L looking for a partner to help it rescue Jewish Hospital

Jewish Hospital is near University of Louisville Hospital. The University of Louisville is looking for a partner with which to buy Jewish Hospital, Boris Ladwig reports for Insider Louisville. "In an email obtained by Insider, University Hospital CEO and University Medical Center Board Chair Ken Marshall wrote that...

Medical News Today: Through my eyes: Addiction and recovery

I had what appeared to be the perfect life. Then my life spiralled into substance abuse and depression. This is the story of my addiction and my recover...

Give yourself an annual health self-assessment

I understand why people embrace New Year’s resolutions: it’s a chance to wipe the slate clean and set annual goals with new focus and enthusiasm. But are they focusing on the right areas of their lives? Instead of setting resolutions, a better approach may be to conduct a health self-assessment. It’s a way to take an in-depth look at where you are now, so you can identify the parts of your life that need the most attention. “A self-assessment gathers...

Medical News Today: Moderate drinking tied to lower risk of hospitalization

A new study finds that moderate drinking has associations with a lower risk of hospitalization. The results also confirm the health risks of heavy drinkin...

Thursday, December 27, 2018

5 Ways to Save Money for What Matters Most to You

Though it may occasionally feel like it, you don't actually have to stay in and eat nothing but Top Ramen to meet your financial goals. In fact, it's possible to make your lifestyle more personally rewarding while spending less (or just spending differently). After getting our basic needs met, what we want to use our money...

Surgeons are doing fewer knee surgeries

When knee arthroscopy became widely available in the 1980s, it represented a major advance. Today orthopedists evaluating and treating common knee problems often recommend arthroscopy, during which they insert an instrument into the joint and, with a light and camera on its tip, directly inspect the knee from the inside. While there, he or she can diagnose and treat common painful knee problems, such as arthritis or torn cartilage. The risks are...

The Best Hydrating Sheet Masks Under $10


This Spanish Tradition Is Better Than a New Year's Resolution

In many Latin American cultures, the most iconic part of New Year's Eve isn't fizzy drinks—it's a cup of grapes. Las doce uvas de la suerte, or the 12 Grapes of Luck, is a Spanish tradition I look forward to every year for a variety of reasons, and the biggest one is… it's just better than a New Year's resolution. Most of us...

13 Keto Soups That Skip the Carbs but Not the Comfort


The 41 Best Health and Fitness Apps


How Gross Is Renting Cycling Shoes?

If you've ever taken a Spin class, you may have worn those snazzy cycling shoes that clip into your bike pedals. While there's not a lot of evidence out there as to whether wearing cycling shoes is actually more efficient than sliding your sneakers into cages, a lot of boutique studios don't even offer the option of flat pedals...

How to Go Natural (and Actually Succeed This Time)

It’s that time of year again: the one where we all commit to self-improvement, better health, and taking better care of the planet. We join gyms, buy snazzy new bullet journals, fill our fridges with pounds of fresh produce (which we are definitely going to eat before it goes bad this time, right?). And if we’re of African...

Exactly When to Throw Out All the Stuff in Your Life That Gets Gross

Every time I wash my dishes, I face the eternal question: Am I making my plates more dirty by using this week-old sponge? Perhaps my dining ware gets dirtier than average, but sponges seem to go bad about 3.4 minutes out of the package. But, what am I, a millionaire? I can't go buying new sponges every other day. Though it's...