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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Medical News Today: What causes a smell behind the ear?

Causes of a smell behind the ear include poor hygiene and infected ear piercings. Treatment depends on the cause. In this article, learn more about what makes the area behind the ears smell, as well as how to prevent thi...

Medical News Today: What causes sharp stomach pain that comes and goes?

Many common problems can cause sharp stomach pain that comes and goes, including trapped gas and viruses. Learn about these and other causes in this articl...

Medical News Today: What to know about a broken nose

A broken nose can result from a forceful impact to the face. Symptoms typically include pain, swelling, and bleeding. A person can often treat minor nose breaks at home, but more severe injuries may require medical treatment. Doctors can correct a misshapen nose with manual realignment or surgery. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: How to calculate the calories a person burns while sleeping

Even when resting or asleep, the body is continuously burning calories to stay alive and healthy. A person can estimate how many calories they burn while sleeping by first calculating their basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is the number of calories that the body burns each day when at rest. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: What is liver fibrosis?

Liver fibrosis occurs when chronic injury or inflammation causes a buildup of scar tissue. This interferes with the liver’s ability to function and regenerate. In this article, we look at how liver fibrosis develops and when treatment can reverse the damag...

Medical News Today: What are the best foods for vitamin C?

The body does not store excess vitamin C, so a person needs to absorb enough from food each day to meet the recommended intake. This article looks at the top 20 foods rich in vitamin C and ideas for incorporating them into the die...

Medical News Today: Experts draft guidelines for Alzheimer's-like condition

Experts have defined an under-recognized, newly named condition that mimics Alzheimer's disease and propose guidelines for diagnosing and researching i...

Medical News Today: Poor sense of smell linked to increased mortality risk

A recent study found that a reduced sense of smell increased mortality risk, particularly in the participants who were healthiest at the star...

Medical News Today: Chronic fatigue syndrome: New test in sight

Using cutting-edge nanotechnology, scientists have designed a test that accurately identified chronic fatigue syndrome in 40 peopl...

Spring training: Moving from couch to 5K

Need a little motivation and structure to ramp up your walking routine this spring? Want to wake up your workouts? Consider trying a couch-to-5K program. What is a couch-to-5K program? These free or low-cost coaching plans are designed to help would-be runners train for a 5-kilometer race, which is about 3.1 miles. The programs are available online, or as apps or podcasts. They typically feature timed walking and running intervals that gradually...

Medical News Today: Obesity may put young people at risk of anxiety, depression

New research from Sweden has found an intriguing link between anxiety, depression, and obesity among children and teenagers ages 6–17 year...

Medical News Today: Psoriasis on black skin: What to know

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes itchy, inflamed, and scaly patches. It can be more challenging to diagnose on black skin. Learn more about psoriasis on black skin in this articl...

Medical News Today: Can 'forest bathing' reduce stress levels?

A recent review and meta-analysis sets out to uncover whether simply spending time in a forest can measurably reduce stress level...

Monday, April 29, 2019

Medical News Today: What is lymphangitis?

Lymphangitis is a serious secondary infection that affects the lymph system. In this article, learn about the symptoms, what it looks like, and when to seek treatmen...

Medical News Today: What to know about potassium deficiency symptoms

Symptoms of potassium deficiency, or hypokalemia, can include constipation, kidney problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, and heart issues. Poor diet, illnesses that cause severe vomiting or diarrhea, and certain medications can lead to low potassium levels. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: Eczema on black skin: What to know

Eczema is a common skin condition that causes inflammation and itching. It can present differently in different skin tones. In this article, learn about the symptoms of eczema and how it might look on black ski...

Highly accurate test reveals recurring prostate cancer

After being treated for prostate cancer, some men will experience a rise in PSA levels suggesting that new tumors lurk somewhere in the body. Finding these tiny cancerous deposits before they grow and spread any further is crucially important. But it’s also a challenge, since the budding tumors might be too small to see with standard tools such as magnetic resonance imaging. Now scientists in California have published results with an experimental...

Medical News Today: How long does the flu last?

The flu is a common illness that affects thousands of people every year. In this article, learn about how long the flu lasts, what symptoms to expect, and when to seek medical treatmen...

Medical News Today: What to know about vitamin K-2

Vitamin K has two main forms, K-1 and K-2. Vitamin K-2 is naturally present in fatty meats, dairy products, and fermented foods. Both forms of vitamin K are essential for blood clotting and bone health. However, vitamin K-2 may also protect against certain forms of cancer and heart disease. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: What to know about urethral syndrome

Urethral syndrome, also known as urethral pain syndrome, can occur when the urethra becomes irritated. Symptoms can include urination difficulties and pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. Learn more about the symptoms, risk factors, and treatment of urethral syndrome her...

Medical News Today: What causes watery semen, and does it affect fertility?

Ejaculating multiple times per day, living with certain medical conditions, and having nutritional deficiencies can all cause watery semen. Watery semen may indicate a low sperm count, but it does not necessarily mean that a person is infertile. Learn more about the causes of watery semen her...

Medical News Today: Why does insomnia worsen distress of unpleasant memories?

Brain activity differences may help explain why distress from bad memories grows stronger in people with insomnia but fades in those without insomni...

Medical News Today: Letter from the Editor: Transparency and trust

In this month's letter, Managing Editor Honor Whiteman discusses the importance of having access to online health information you can trus...

Medical News Today: How religious experiences may benefit mental health

New research examines the psychological effects of having deep religious or mystical experiences, whether they are induced by psychedelic drugs or no...

Medical News Today: Is it better to 'contain' rather than destroy cancer?

New research in mice suggests that we could stop some cancers from making a comeback by maintaining metastatic cells in a 'dormant' stat...

TAVR: Aortic valve replacement without open-heart surgery

There has been a flurry of news recently about a procedure called trans-catheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) for the treatment of the common heart condition aortic stenosis (AS). You may even know people who have had this procedure performed. What exactly is TAVR? And what’s all the excitement about? What is aortic stenosis? First, it’s important to understand the condition that TAVR is designed to treat, aortic stenosis. The aortic valve is...

Medical News Today: How stress eating might prime the body to store fat

New research in mice finds a molecular pathway that may explain why eating comfort food during stressful times can lead to increased weight gai...

Medical News Today: Does it matter what time of day you exercise?

Two new mouse studies suggest that exercise may affect metabolism differently in the evening than in the morning due to the circadian rhyth...

Sunday, April 28, 2019

As pensions threaten school-nurse programs, schools can get new Medicaid money for both physical and behavioral health

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Many of Kentucky's school districts have long struggled to pay for school nurses, let alone professionals in behavioral health care. And now some health departments may no longer be able to provide nurses because they will have to pay more into their employees' pension system. But schools...

Medical News Today: Just how effective is hypnosis at relieving pain?

Can hypnosis treat pain? A recent meta-analysis combines the findings of 85 studies and concludes that it could be an effective option for pain relie...

Medical News Today: How elderberries can help you fight the flu

New research shows how the power of elderberries — the fruit of a common European and North American shrub — can help our bodies fight the fl...

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mother’s Day: Tools for coping when celebration brings pain

Mother’s Day is fast approaching. As an infertility counselor, I always greet the holiday with mixed emotions. I look forward to the lilacs in full bloom, the feeling that spring is finally here, and the chance to wish some of my clients a long awaited “Happy First Mother’s Day,” knowing that they struggled for years with infertility or recurrent miscarriage. However, I am also reminded of what a difficult day this is for many women –– not only those...

Medical News Today: Why pet antibiotics could make their owners sick

British-based scientists have detected a gene that helps bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic linezolid. Crucially, this gene may spread to human...

Medical News Today: How might obesity affect the brain?

New research uses MRI imaging to examine the connections between obesity and changes in the brain's gray and white matter volume and structur...

Friday, April 26, 2019

Medical News Today: Dry skin around the mouth: Causes and remedies

The skin around the mouth may become dry because of allergies, skin conditions, or irritants, including certain products. Learn more about the causes and treatments of dry skin around the mouth her...

Medical News Today: Which meals are low in carbs?

A low-carb diet can help with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, and it may especially benefit people with diabetes. This diet tends to contain high levels of protein and fat, but it should also include a variety of fruits and vegetables. Here, we suggest healthful, low-carb meals for the whole da...

Medical News Today: What are the benefits of neem?

Neem comes from the Indian lilac tree. It is available as an oil or extract. In this article, learn about the uses and benefits of neem, as well as some safety consideration...

Medical News Today: What is the best time to take statins and why?

Some cholesterol-lowering drugs work best when a person takes them in the evening, while others are equally effective in the morning. Learn more about different statins, including the best time of day to take the...

Medical News Today: What are the health benefits of buckwheat?

Buckwheat is a highly nutritious whole grain with a range of potential health benefits. In this article, we look at the benefits, nutritional value, and side effects of buckwhea...

Medical News Today: What is the GAPS diet? A complete overview

The GAPS diet aims to ‘cure’ psychological conditions such as autism and dyslexia by changing a person’s diet. We look at the evidence, uses, and controversies around this dietary interventio...

Medical News Today: Scientists confirm blood test could track Alzheimer's disease

Data from up to 11 years of blood samples confirm neurofilament light protein as a potential noninvasive marker of Alzheimer's disease progressio...

Medical News Today: This neurotransmitter helps aggressive tumors spread

New research in mouse models of human-derived cancers has found a new key factor that supports the growth and spread of aggressive tumor...

Medical News Today: Marijuana users less likely to be overweight, obese

New research examines the link between body mass index and cannabis use. The findings may seem counterintuitive, given that marijuana increases appetit...

Kentucky leads the way on many opioid-related efforts, and was well-represented at the four-day drug abuse summit in Atlanta

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Kentucky officials, researchers and clinicians were front and center at the eighth annual national summit on prescription drug abuse and heroin, started by Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky, participating in panels covering a range of topics, such as caring for babies who are born addicted...

Effort mounted to find and treat hepatitis C, which is spreading; most people who have it probably don't know they have it

"A multimillion-dollar effort to fight hepatitis C was introduced Thursday in Louisville with the help of Gov. Matt Bevin as well as medical professionals and health advocates," Darla Carter reports for Insider Louisville. The five-year, five-state project in Kentucky and four other states will use screenings, community...

Medical News Today: Patterns of antibiotic use may predict cardiovascular risk

A large cohort study has found a link between prolonged antibiotic use in middle age and later in life and an increased cardiovascular ris...

Ease anxiety and stress: Take a (belly) breather

Quick: think of three things that make you feel anxious or stressed. Most of us have no trouble reeling off answers. And people who suffer from anxiety disorders — such as social anxiety, phobias, or generalized anxiety — may have a variety of triggers that send anxiety soaring. While belly breathing alone can’t fix deep-seated anxieties, it works well as a tool to help ease anxiety and garden-variety stress. Regularly engaging in belly breathing...

Medical News Today: Innovative patch may reduce muscle damage after a heart attack

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has designed a patch that can limit damage after a heart attack. The patch was successfully tested in rat...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Medical News Today: Is drinking cold water bad for a person?

Drinking enough water is vital to health and good bodily functioning. However, some research suggests that the temperature of water when a person drinks it is also important. Here, we discuss whether cold water can be bad for health and if there are any risks or benefits of drinking cold water vs. warm wate...

Medical News Today: How to recognize and treat an infected wound

Symptoms of an infected wound can include increasing pain, redness, and swelling in the affected area. A person may be able to treat minor wound infections at home. However, people with more severe symptoms or larger wounds should seek medical attention. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: What causes dry skin on a baby's face?

Babies often experience dry skin on their face. Their skin is more sensitive than adult skin and has not yet adapted to the environment outside the womb. In this article, we look at the possible causes of dry skin on a baby's face and possible home remedies and treatment...

Medical News Today: What to know about Piaget's stages of cognitive development

Some psychologists believe that children go through four separate stages of cognitive development, which they call Piaget’s stages. Learn more about these stages, what they mean, and how to use them, her...

Kentucky teens' use of electronic cigarettes and vapes doubled from 2016 to 2018, and is higher than national rates, survey finds

Use of electronic cigarettes and vapes, tracked since 2014, is shown by the blue lines. By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross Kentucky Health News A survey of Kentucky teenagers shows that their rate of using electronic cigarettes and vapes doubled from 2016 to 2018, and all four grades surveyed had rates higher than the...

Medical News Today: Could invigorating the immune system prevent lung cancer?

Early immune-related molecular changes in airway tissue could potentially predict invasive lung cancer and serve as prevention targets, new study suggest...

Roundtable at Marion County High School explores the phenomenon of electronic cigarettes among teenagers

By Emily LaForme The Lebanon Enterprise “Over the past two years it’s become more common,” said student Brianna Meeks. “I started seeing it more in school this year, in the bathrooms and in the parking lot after school.” Meeks was talking about the use of electronic cigarettes, including Juuls and other vapes, inside Marion County High School. It isn’t just a fad here; it’s becoming prevalent across the country. “They hide it in their shirts,...

Medical News Today: Does your tongue have a sense of smell?

New research in mice and human cell cultures has revealed that the taste cells of humans and other mammals can also contain smell receptor...

Medical News Today: This common food additive may fuel weight gain, diabetes

A new research study links the common anti-mold food additive propionate to blood sugar metabolism and insulin resistance in human volunteers and mic...

Phytonutrients: Paint your plate with the colors of the rainbow

Did you know that adding color to your meals will help you live a longer, healthier life? Colorful fruits and vegetables can paint a beautiful picture of health because they contain phytonutrients, compounds that give plants their rich colors as well as their distinctive tastes and aromas. Phytonutrients also strengthen a plant’s immune system. They protect the plant from threats in their natural environment such as disease and excessive sun. When...

Medical News Today: Study explores the neuroscience of overindulging

A recent study in mice identified a new brain circuit that appears to play a part in an animal's drive to overeat high-calorie food...

Medical News Today: How the brain adapts to hear better after vision loss

Researchers look at what happens in the brains of people with vision loss to understand what allows them to hear better than their fully sighted peer...

Medical News Today: Exercises and stretches for hip pain

There are many possible causes of hip pain. However, gently stretching and exercising the hips can often help relieve this pain. In this article, we describe 14 hip exercises that can strengthen the muscles, restore mobility, and ease pai...

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Medical News Today: Is an itchy scalp linked with hair loss?

An itchy scalp links to hair loss in several different ways. In this article, we look at the causes of each of these issues, the links between them, and possible treatments and home remedie...

Medical News Today: Hair breakage: 10 causes and ways to repair

Many factors can cause hair breakage, including hair styling methods, products, diet, and stress. This article looks at common causes and how to treat dry, brittle, or broken hai...

Medical News Today: How to recognize the early signs of lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune condition that can cause inflammation and other problems in the body. Many of the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions, so doctors may find it hard to diagnose. Learn about the early symptoms, as well as the diagnosis and treatment, of lupus her...

Medical News Today: Best ways to remove facial hair at home

People can safely remove facial hair at home using various creams and tools. Learn more about different methods and how to use them her...

E. coli outbreak keeps spreading, but may be slowing down

The outbreak of E. coli infection centered in Kentucky has spread to nine other states, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced April 23. However, preliminary evidence suggests the number of new cases is declining. Officials said they are still trying to find the source of the outbreak, which evidence...

Medical News Today: Best ways to remove upper lip hair

People can remove upper lip hair using a range of creams, tools, and dermatological treatments. In this article, we look at 10 of the best method...

Medical News Today: Study reveals how general anesthetics affect the brain

For the first time, scientists have shown that general anesthetics activate the same small group of cells in the brain as that which induces slee...

Medical News Today: What to know about diabetic shock

Diabetic shock occurs when a person’s blood sugar levels become dangerously low. Diabetic shock is not a medical term, but people sometimes use it to refer to severe hypoglycemia. This article provides an overview of this condition and its treatmen...

Medical News Today: Ginkgo seeds may help keep skin blemish-free, but there's a catch

Ginkgo seed extracts can fight bacteria that harm the skin, but researchers are still a long way from developing them into safe product...

Health foundation creates public service announcements about dangers of teen e-cigarette use and offers them free to anyone

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News An explosion of electronic-cigarette use by Kentucky teenagers has prompted the launch of a statewide campaign to debunk the myths that many teens have about these products, such as the belief they produce only water vapor. The campaign features Kentucky students and is called "I Just...

My Unexpected (but Totally Worth the Wait) Journey from Diet-Obsessed to Body Positive

I’m not sure when I first started worrying about my weight, but I suspect it started around the same time I started growing breasts and worrying what boys thought of me. Or, more likely, what other girls thought of me. Until then, I assumed that adolescent girldom came the way it was depicted in movies — at least back then. The “average-sized” girl always played sidekick to the model-type who had it all: the grades, the looks, and the boy. So by...

MitraClip: Valve repair device offers new treatment option for some with severe mitral regurgitation

Mitral valve regurgitation (MR), a condition in which the mitral valve does not close properly, allowing blood to leak back into the heart’s upper chamber, is the most common disease of the heart valves. It can cause symptoms such as cough, fatigue, and trouble breathing. The risk of MR increases with age. Until recently, there were only two methods of treatment for MR: medication and open-heart surgery. During this surgery, the surgeon accesses...

Boyd County extension agents teach children healthy living

By Katie Pratt and Jeff Franklin University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Young children in Boyd County are learning healthy habits thanks to programming efforts by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service that include planting their own vegetables. Susan Grimmett, program assistant for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program education, has worked with 300 students at four schools within the county...

Medical News Today: How ketamine can change the brain to fight depression

New research in mice pinpoints some of the key mechanisms that ketamine triggers in the brain to fight the symptoms and characteristics of depressio...

Medical News Today: Using small molecules to regenerate heart tissue

New research in mice uses gene-regulating molecules called microRNAs to repair heart tissue after an adverse cardiovascular event such as a heart attac...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Medical News Today: Is this chest pain from GERD or a heart attack?

Both heartburn and heart attacks can cause pain in the center of the chest. Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). As a heart attack is a medical emergency, being able to tell the difference between heartburn and cardiac chest pain is crucial. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: How is the pancreas involved in diabetes?

The pancreas plays a strong role in diabetes because it produces insulin and helps regulate blood sugar levels. In this article, we look into the links between diabetes and the pancrea...

Walgreens will raise age for tobacco sales to 21 on Sept. 1

Photo by Mike Mozart "Walgreens has decided to raise its minimum age for tobacco sales several weeks after a top federal official chastised the drugstore chain for violating laws restricting access to cigarettes and other tobacco products," starting Sept. 1, The Associated Press reports. The chain has stores...