Monday, September 30, 2019
Medical News Today: Foods to eat and avoid when hungover
Certain foods and drinks may help to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. Discover what to eat and drink and what to avoid when hungove...
Medical News Today: Does penis stretching work?
Most penis stretching exercises and devices have no or limited evidence to suggest that they are effective. Learn more about them her...
Medical News Today: Why is my vagina wet?
Vaginal fluids are normal, and are part of keeping the vagina healthy. Many things can affect the amount and consistency of the fluid. Learn more about vaginal wetness her...
Medical News Today: Brain scans could help predict whether antidepressants will work
New research reveals how MRI scans and artificial intelligence can help identify brain patterns that predict responsiveness to certain antidepressant...
Medical News Today: Letter from the Editor: It's raining cats and dogs
In this month's letter, Managing Editor Honor Whiteman talks about a fantastic new type of content that landed on Medical News Today this Septembe...
Medical News Today: 10% weight loss could send type 2 diabetes into remission
New research suggests that even 'modest' weight loss within 5 years of the initial diagnosis could help send type 2 diabetes into remissio...
Medical News Today: Menopause symptom may trigger brain fog in breast cancer survivors
New research suggests that menopause-related night sweats could contribute to brain fog in women who have experienced breast cance...
Medical News Today: 95% of people think they could develop dementia with age
A large scale global study from ADI and the London School of Economics and Political Science examines the attitudes of people toward dementi...
If you have migraines, put down your coffee and read this
During medical school, a neurologist taught me that the number one cause of headaches in the US was coffee.
That was news to me! But it made more sense when he clarified that he meant lack of coffee. His point was that for people who regularly drink coffee, missing an early morning cup, or even just having your first cup later than usual, can trigger a caffeine withdrawal headache. And considering how many daily coffee drinkers there are (an estimated...
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Rural hospitals, already cut by Medicare, are about to get their Medicaid payments reduced, too; here's a Kentucky list

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
Hospitals in Kentucky and across the nation will likely get a reprieve, maybe a short one, from a new formula cutting the money the federal government gives them to care for poor people.
The cuts in Medicaid were supposed to go into effect Oct. 1, but Congress passed a continuing resolution...
Medical News Today: Hospital data breaches could lead to identity theft, financial fraud
New research looks at what kind of personal information gets leaked in the majority of hospital data breaches, and at some of the consequence...
Medical News Today: Cats bond with caregivers just as much as babies and dogs
A study finds that felines bond with their caregivers just as much as babies and dogs, in spite of their reputation for being aloo...
Algal bloom warning issued for Ohio River above Louisville

The state Division of Water and Department for Public Health are warning people not to swim, wade or ski in the Ohio River from the McAlpine Dam at Louisville upstream to the Greenup Dam because several sections of the river have toxic algal blooms.
"Water ingested during recreational activities in this area may increase...
Burkesville hospital open, similar one 24 miles away in Tenn. is closed; big differences: Medicaid expansion, doctor partnership
Bevin wants 'inaccurate and defamatory' Democratic ad taken down; Frankfort paper finds it lacks context, but isn't baseless
Gov. Matt Bevin has asked TV stations to take down what his campaign calls a "factually inaccurate and defamatory" commercial that says Bevin has tried to take health care away from children and people with pre-existing conditions.
The Bluegrass Values ad, funded by the Democratic Governors Association, features Hoppy Henton, a Democratic activist fromVersailes, who says Bevin has tried "to take away health-care coverage, including vision and dental,...
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Schuster wins top health policy advocacy award for more than 40 years of work in mental health; calls for an end to stigma around it

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
To a standing ovation, Sheila Schuster, who has spent more than four decades advocating for those with mental illness and other disabilities, and worked to increase access to health care across Kentucky, was named the first Gil Friedell Health Policy Champion.
Left to right: Mark...
Ben Chandler awarded Kentucky Medical Association's advocacy award for his work on flu prevention and tobacco-free efforts

Dr. Bruce Scott (L), Ben Chandler (R)
Kentucky Medical Association photo.
The Kentucky Medical Association awarded Ben Chandler, president and CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, with its advocacy award for his efforts around tobacco-free policies and partnership in the 2018 "Focus on Flu" campaign.
Medical News Today: Strong link found between chronic headache and back pain
A review of 14 studies found that people with persistent headache or back pain were about twice as likely to also experience the other conditio...
Medical News Today: Alcohol and dementia risk: A complex relationship
The relationship between alcohol consumption and dementia risk in older adults is proving difficult to unpick. A recent study takes a fresh loo...
Medical News Today: What causes vulvar itching that is worse at night?
Vulvar itching that gets worse at night has many possible causes. These include bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and allergies. Learn about more these and other causes and how to treat them her...
Medical News Today: What to know about hand veins
The veins in the hands can bulge for many reasons, including aging, exercise, and warm temperatures. In this article, learn more about these and other causes, as well as when to see a docto...
Medical News Today: What to know about cellulitis from bug bites
Cellulitis is a skin infection that can occur at sites of skin breakage, including those due to bug bites. Learn more about the signs and symptoms, as well as when to see a docto...
Medical News Today: Does vaping without nicotine have any side effects?
Many people believe that vaping is a harmless alternative to smoking. However, research into the safety of vaping is still in its early stages. Learn what the current research says about the side effects of vaping without nicotin...
Medical News Today: How does smoking weed affect a cold?
Some people claim that smoking cannabis can alleviate cold symptoms, while others say that it can make them worse. Learn about the potential benefits and disadvantages of smoking cannabis with a col...
Popular heartburn drug ranitidine recalled: What you need to know and do
If you or a family member take ranitidine (Zantac) to relieve heartburn, you may have heard that the FDA has found a probable human carcinogen (a substance that could cause cancer) in it. The story is unfolding quickly and many details remain murky. Here is what we know so far and what you should do.
What do we know so far?
On September 13, 2019, the FDA announced that preliminary tests found low levels of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in ranitidine,...
Friday, September 27, 2019
Founding dean of UK College of Public Health, Dr. Douglas Scutchfield, wins top award from American Public Health Assn.

F. Douglas Scutchfield, M.D.
Dr. F. Douglas Scutchfield, a retired public-health professor at the University of Kentucky, is the recipient of this year's top award from the American Public Health Association.
Scutchfield, a native of Wheelwright in Floyd County, will receive the Sedgwick Memorial Medal for Distinguished...
After being fired by VA for 'egregious' medical misconduct, doctor was hired by the state and held the job for six months

Gov. Matt Bevin's administration hired a physician to lead the state infectious-disease office soon after he had been dismissed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for "egregious" medical misconduct, Mary Meehan reports for Ohio Valley Resource, a consortium of public radio stations
State officials were...
Medical News Today: What causes a period to start and stop?
Some people experience an irregular menstrual cycle. Learn more about irregular periods, what causes them, and when to see a docto...
Medical News Today: Reasons for not losing weight on a keto diet
The keto diet involves restricting carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to burn fat instead of glucose. This article outlines 10 reasons why a person may not lose weight despite following the keto die...
Medical News Today: How long does Xanax last?
Xanax is a benzodiazepine that treats anxiety and panic disorders. This article looks at how long its effects last, when the drug expires, what withdrawal is like, and other factors to conside...
Medical News Today: The science behind lucid dreaming
This special feature explores the science behind lucid dreaming, an experience in which a person realizes they are dreaming as they continue to drea...
Medical News Today: Parkinson's disease: Scientists review male and female differences
In a new review, scientists sum up the role of biological sex in the development, features, mechanisms, risks, and treatment of Parkinson's diseas...
Medical News Today: Osteoarthritis research: Hot mud and salt baths
Can hot mud treatments and salt baths reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis? A small scale, short run pilot study concludes that they migh...
Medical News Today: More batches of common hypertension drug taken off the market
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is withdrawing more batches of Losartan potassium tablets, USP and Losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide tablets, US...
Medical News Today: Anxiety: Are mitochondria involved?
Scientists link stress to disruptions in energy metabolism in mice and humans who have panic disorder, a form of anxiety disorde...
Medical News Today: ¿Qué es la eyaculación femenina?
La eyaculación femenina es cuando la uretra de una mujer expulsa fluido durante el orgasmo o excitación sexual. Es perfectamente normal y las investigaciones sugieren que es más común de lo que pensamos. Conoce más aqu...
Medical News Today: All you need to know about fat-soluble vitamins
Learn all about the four types of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. We look at dietary sources of each and their role within the bod...
Medical News Today: ¿Por qué siento dolor en mis talones y qué puedo hacer al respecto?
El dolor en el talón es un problema común que puede afectar debajo, el costado y detrás del talón. Por lo general, es causado por la presión continua o el estrés en el pie y puede ser muy doloroso. Tipos de dolor, tratamientos y cómo prevenirl...
Medical News Today: What to know about taurine
Taurine is an organic compound that may help with conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Learn more about taurine, including its side effects her...
Medical News Today: What to know about 'Viagra' for females
In the United States, two drugs have been approved to treat low libido in females. Some refer to these medications as “Viagra for women.” This article looks at how these drugs work, possible side effects, and alternative...
Medical News Today: What happens if a tampon gets stuck?
Although it can seem worrying, having a tampon stuck in the vagina is not usually harmful. However, leaving it in for too long can increase the risk of infection or toxic shock syndrome. Learn more her...
Medical News Today: How can birth control help with acne?
When acne occurs due to hormonal imbalances, taking birth control pills can often help. This article looks at how birth control pills treat acne, the different types, and their side effect...
Medical News Today: Net carbohydrates and how to calculate them
Calculating net carbs is one way to count the carbohydrates within a food product or meal plan. In this article, learn more about net carbs and how to calculate the...
It's flu season, and 154 Kentuckians have already been diagnosed with it; the best defense is an easy-to-get vaccine

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
The beginning of fall means it's also the beginning of flu season, prompting health officials to remind Kentuckians it's time to get vaccinated as a way to not only protect themselves, but also their loved ones. Flu season runs through May 2020.
Kentucky has already seen 154 confirmed...
Is there a test for Alzheimer’s disease?
After spending 30 minutes hunting for your car in a parking lot, or getting lost on a familiar route, have you ever considered asking your doctor for a blood test or brain scan to find out if you have Alzheimer’s disease?
A number of factors contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. By definition, this form of dementia involves the buildup of a protein in brain called beta-amyloid. Beta-amyloid forms plaques that disrupt communication between brain cells,...
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Medical News Today: North American birds declined by 29% since 1970
According to a new study, the bird population of North America and Canada has shrunk by almost one-third in the last 50 years. Can we halt the declin...
Medical News Today: A guide to EFT tapping
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a method to reduce anxiety, stress, PTSD, and depression. It involves tapping specific points on the face and body. Here, we discuss the uses and effectiveness of EFT tapping and provide instructions on how to do i...
Medical News Today: AI just as good at diagnosing illness as humans
The first research of its kind finds that deep learning algorithms are just as accurate at diagnosing illness as healthcare professional...
Medical News Today: ¿De qué tamaño es el pene promedio?
¿Cuál es el tamaño promedio de un pene? Si bien el 85 por ciento de las personas pueden estar satisfechas con el tamaño y proporción del pene de su pareja, hasta el 45 por ciento de los hombres creen que su pene es pequeño. ¿Dónde está la verda...
Medical News Today: A new, single delivery therapy could fight many forms of cancer
A novel therapy that boosts the number of potent immune cells to suppress cancer has proven successful in preclinical research in mouse model...
Medical News Today: Picazón en la piel: Causas, tratamientos y remedios caseros
La picazón en la piel puede deberse a diversidad de condiciones, como alergias, eczema, parásitos, otra condición cutánea o algo más grave, como enfermedad hepática o falla renal. Averigua cuáles son las causas más comunes y las opciones de tratamient...
Medical News Today: Cómo deshacerte del gas atrapado
Los gases pueden ser incómodos y dolorosos. Pero se pueden aliviar con remedios caseros sencillos. Dejar de fumar y evitar ciertos alimentos también ayuda. Aprende 20 formas fáciles de aliviar el dolor por gases y cuándo ver a un médic...
Medical News Today: Cómo puedes reconocer un ataque de ansiedad
Aprende sobre los síntomas de la ansiedad, cuándo pueden presentarse, cuáles son las causas y qué puedes hacer. Cómo diferenciar un ataque de ansiedad de un ataque de pánico. Consejos sobre cómo lidiar con la ansiedad y cuándo debes consultar a un médic...
Medical News Today: Remedios naturales caseros para el malestar estomacal
El malestar estomacal e indigestión se pueden tratar con remedios caseros. Mira aquí los 21 remedios naturales más populares para tratar un malestar estomacal, cómo funcionan y cómo usarlos. También te decimos cuándo debes ver a un médic...
Medical News Today: What are the benefits of hot yoga?
Hot yoga takes place in a studio heated beyond normal room temperature. Learn about the possible benefits, as well as the risks, of hot yoga in this articl...
Medical News Today: 6 evidence based ways to calm down
Feeling unable to control worry, fear, anxiety, or other negative emotions is something that many people experience. In this article, learn how to calm down in these situation...
Medical News Today: Home remedies for peeling skin on the face
Sunburn, dry skin, reactions, and skin conditions can all cause peeling skin on the face. Here, we look into these and other causes and the remedies that can hel...
Medical News Today: What to know about vaginal lubrication
The vagina usually produces natural lubrication to stay healthy and facilitate sexual activity. When this is not enough, artificial lubricants or vaginal moisturizers can help. This article looks at the uses and side effects of different types of lub...
Medical News Today: Why does coffee make me tired?
Although coffee’s caffeine content makes it a stimulant, some people feel tired after they drink a cup. Learn about why coffee could make a person feel tired her...
Medical News Today: What to know about spotting in early pregnancy
It is not uncommon for a woman to experience spotting in early pregnancy, but it can still cause worry. Learn about the possible causes of spotting in early pregnancy and when to see a doctor her...
We help journalists avoid reliance on sources with financial conflicts of interest

For the past 11 years, has helped journalists find industry-independent experts to use as sources in their stories. It’s an effort begun by journalists Jeanne Lenzer and Shannon Brownlee (now a VP at the Lown Institute), but joined by me and Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, of Georgetown not long after.
Vitiligo: More than skin deep
Vitiligo (pronounced vit-uh-LIE-go) is a medical condition in which patches of skin lose their color. This occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for making skin pigment, are destroyed. Vitiligo can affect any part of the body, and it can occur in people of any age, ethnicity, or sex.
Affecting approximately 1% of the population, vitiligo can be an emotionally and socially devastating disease. Particularly frustrating to many is its unpredictable...
Juul stops all ads, gets a new CEO, and says it won't lobby on proposed ban of most electronic-cigarette flavorings

Juul products (Photo by Bill O'Leary, The Washington Post)
The leading manufacturer of electronic cigarettes, Juul Labs, suspended advertising its products Wednesday, Sept. 25, and said "its chief executive officer is stepping down and will be succeeded by a top official from Altria Group," which owns 35 percent of...
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Medical News Today: Can you have sex when you have a UTI?
Once a urinary tract infection (UTI) starts to get better, people may wonder if they can return to sex. Learn about the safety and risks of sex with a UTI her...
Medical News Today: What to know about alexithymia
Alexithymia is where a person has trouble recognizing and describing their emotions. Here, we give an overview of alexithymia and its links with mental health conditions and autis...
Medical News Today: Tips for reducing or stopping sweating
Sweating is important for regulating body temperature. However, some people sweat more than is necessary. This article outlines the tips and treatments people can try to reduce excessive sweatin...
Medical News Today: US diet still contains too many low quality carbs
Refined grains, added sugar, and other low quality carbs still account for 42% of daily calories in the typical diet of U.S. adults, a new study find...
Medical News Today: Body clock influences how well the immune system works
Current research in mice demonstrates that body clocks play a crucial role in how effectively certain immune cells respond when triggered to become activ...
Medical News Today: Adult obesity: Is childhood sugar intake in the '70s to blame?
Are adult obesity rates in the United States today the result of childhood sugar consumption in the 1970s and 1980s? New research suggests s...
Medical News Today: Fluctuating blood pressure may speed up cognitive decline in Alzheimer's
New evidence suggests that managing blood pressure may help slow down the progression of cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer's diseas...
Medical News Today: 6 consejos para eliminar el mal olor vaginal
La alimentación, la salud y otros factores afectan el olor natural de la vagina, que no es necesariamente un mal olor. Infecciones como la vaginosis bacteriana, pueden provocar cierto olor a pescado, mientras que los hongos (yeast) producen un olor dulce. Cómo identificar y eliminar el olor vagina...
Medical News Today: What can make passing stool painful?
There are many reasons a person may experience pain during a bowel movement. In this article, we discuss 10 possible causes and some treatment option...
Medical News Today: What to know about chickenpox in babies
Chickenpox in babies is often mild and resolves without treatment, although there are possible complications. Learn about the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in babies here. This article includes pictures of babies with chickenpox to aid diagnosi...
Medical News Today: Everything you need to know about pebble poop
Pebble poop is small, pellet-like stool, and it is usually a sign of constipation. In this article, learn about the possible causes, as well as treatments and home remedie...
Medical News Today: What is the average size of testicles?
In this article, we describe average testicle size and growth. We also look into health issues that can affect testicle size and how to perform a self-examinatio...
What donor offspring seek when they do DNA testing
I wrote previously about parents who fear that their donor-conceived children might uncover long-held secrets through DNA testing. Many were unsettled by Dani Shapiro’s memoir Inheritance, which told of how a DNA test done for no particular reason dismantled a family story. Now let’s consider reasons why some people who know they were donor-conceived might pursue DNA testing.
Why might people who were donor-conceived seek DNA testing?
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Medical News Today: 12 home remedies for heat rash
Home remedies, such as cold compresses, calamine lotion, and oatmeal baths, can help soothe the symptoms of heat rash. Read on to learn mor...
Medical News Today: Pulled calf muscle: Symptoms and what to do
A pulled calf muscle can cause minor or severe pain in the calf, depending on the extent of the injury. Learn more about the symptoms and how to treat them her...
Medical News Today: When does the penis start and stop growing?
The penis tends to stop growing in both length and girth at the end of puberty. Learn more about penis growth in this article, along with other facts about penis siz...
Medical News Today: Walking patterns may help differentiate types of dementia
A new study suggests that people with Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's have distinct walking patterns that may match cognitive and disease change...
Medical News Today: Onions and garlic may protect against breast cancer
The first population-based study of its kind examines the association between onion and garlic consumption and breast cancer ris...
Medical News Today: 'Antibiotic resistance in farm animals is rising fast'
Antibiotic resistance is reaching a crisis point not just for humans, but also for farm animals bred for food, global evidence suggest...
Medical News Today: Severe gum disease linked to 49% higher risk of hypertension
A new systematic review and meta-analysis concludes that there is a linear association between the severity of gum disease and the risk of hypertensio...
Medical News Today: Eating more nuts may help prevent weight gain
A new observational study finds that increasing daily nut consumption is associated with a lower risk of gradual weight gain and obesit...
Medical News Today: Natural ways to lower ALT levels
High levels of the liver enzyme ALT indicates liver damage. Taking steps to lower ALT levels through diet, exercise, and other methods can help the liver recover. Learn more her...
Medical News Today: What causes uterus pain in early pregnancy?
Uterus pain in early pregnancy is a common symptom, but in some cases, it is a sign of a complication. Learn about the causes and treatment of uterus pain in early pregnancy her...
Medical News Today: What can cause a bump on the forehead?
People may have a bump on the forehead for many reasons. Learn about causes, their associated treatments, and when to see a doctor her...
Medical News Today: What is the average weight for a 13-year-old?
The average weight for 13-year-olds is different for boys and girls, and puberty and genetics can also factor in. Learn about the average weight and BMI for a 13-year-old her...
Weekend catch-up sleep won’t fix the effects of sleep deprivation on your waistline
Sleeping in late on a Saturday sounds delicious, right? However, as with many delicious things, there may be a cost to your health and waistline.
Catching up on sleep on the weekend can almost feel like the norm these days. With increasingly full schedules and competing demands, sleep is often sacrificed during the busy workweek. As the week comes to an end, many people look to the less structured weekend to cram in what couldn’t be done during the...
Monday, September 23, 2019
Medical News Today: What causes unexplained weight loss?
Many medical conditions can cause unexplained or unintended weight loss. These include hyperthyroidism, depression, Addison's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and mor...
Medical News Today: What to know about generalized anxiety disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common mental health condition in the United States. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options her...
Medical News Today: What to do about a weight loss plateau
Many people reach a weight loss plateau after several months of diet and exercise. In this article, learn about the possible causes and what to do to break through the platea...
Medical News Today: What are the health benefits of yoga?
Yoga is a practice with many possible benefits, including reduced back pain, improved mood, and less stress. Learn about these and other benefits in this articl...