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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Medical News Today: Researchers discover new autoinflammatory condition

A previously unknown autoinflammatory condition has come to the fore thanks to a team of global experts, who were also able to identify its root caus...

Medical News Today: Unhealthful diet linked with vision loss later in life

A new study finds an association between the Western dietary pattern, which is high in unhealthful fats and sugars, and age-related vision los...

Getting sleep in the hospital

If you or any of your loved ones has ever been hospitalized, one of the complaints you may have heard about most is how hard it is to sleep in the hospital. There are lots of things about hospital routines that can make things difficult for patients to sleep, besides noise and illness. While some hospitals have taken steps to ensure that patients are not interrupted unnecessarily at night, this is not universal. Here are some things you can expect,...

Monday, December 30, 2019

Medical News Today: Could MDMA help treat mental health conditions?

New research in mice investigates the possibility that MDMA, a potentially addictive drug, may help in the context of mental health therap...

Medical News Today: Should we all be eating more protein?

A new analysis concludes that consuming increased levels of protein only benefits people who are dieting or participating in strength trainin...

An omnivore’s dilemma: How much red meat is too much?

In October 2019, the Annals of Internal Medicine published controversial guidelines advising Americans to carry on consuming red and processed meat at current amounts. The guideline authors characterized meat-eaters as somewhat incapable of dietary change, and portrayed the benefits for reducing red and processed meat intake as insignificant. These guidelines contradict previous studies that link processed meat and red meat with early death and an...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Medical News Today: Cholesterol levels in young adults can predict heart disease risk

A new study investigates cholesterol levels across decades. It concludes that high levels in young adulthood can impact heart disease risk later in lif...

Medical News Today: Mindfulness training may lower blood pressure

A recent study concludes that a specially designed mindfulness curriculum can significantly benefit individuals with high blood pressur...

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Medical News Today: Intermittent fasting can help ease metabolic syndrome

A new clinical trial shows that time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, helps relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrom...

Medical News Today: Passing kidney stones: 2-drug combo may relieve pain

New research in pigs suggests that combining a hypertension drug and a glaucoma drug may take the pain out of passing a kidney ston...

Friday, December 27, 2019

Medical News Today: A key area of the brain is smaller in women on the pill

A new study found a dramatic difference in the size of the hypothalamus between women taking the oral contraceptive pill and those not using i...

Medical News Today: High blood pressure research: 2019 overview

In this special feature, we outline some of 2019's most interesting investigations into hypertension. We cover risk factors, nutrition, and mor...

Should you use probiotics for your vagina?

You know probiotics can be good for your gut, but does your vagina need one too? You might think so, based on probiotic marketing these days. Probiotics are in everything from drinks to pills and powders, and in many cases, are being promoted as a means of improving your vaginal health. Women seem to be listening, says Dr. Caroline Mitchell, assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology at Harvard Medical School. Vaginal...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Medical News Today: How do fruit and veg reduce colorectal cancer risk?

Researchers may have uncovered how flavonoids may protect against colorectal cancer. The authors hope their findings will lead to a preventive dru...

Medical News Today: Ultrasound with MRI improves prostate treatment

Combining ultrasound heat with precision MRI promises a more precise way to treat prostate cancer and enlarged prostates — without the usual side effect...

Eosinophilic esophagitis: A new food-related allergic condition on the rise?

In the early 1990s, doctors began describing a new condition affecting the esophagus of patients who were predisposed to allergies including food allergy, asthma, and eczema, and who were having trouble swallowing. Today, we call this condition eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). What is EoE? EoE is an allergic inflammation of the esophagus that causes a range of symptoms. Adolescents and adults most often experience it as difficulty swallowing, sometimes...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Medical News Today: What causes uncontrolled laughter in epilepsy?

A thorough investigation into an individual's uncontrolled laughter revealed that the cause was seizures resulting from a rare form of epileps...

Medical News Today: How to stay healthy on Christmas Day

Christmas Day tends to be indulgent. In this feature, we will help you find ways to enjoy yourself without being left feeling too unhealthfu...

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Medical News Today: For rats, empathy may be a survival strategy

Research in rats suggests that empathy may be an important element in the rodents’ remarkable ability to survive in difficult environment...

Medical News Today: Aspirin: Friend or foe after breast cancer?

A new study focuses on DNA change to investigate why aspirin use is linked to different outcomes in different individuals after a breast cancer diagnosi...

Medical News Today: A guide to the best probiotics

There are many types of probiotic, and each has a different set of health benefits. In this article, learn about the best probiotics for various situation...

Medical News Today: What is the link between depression and anxiety?

Some people experience anxiety and depression at the same time. In this article, learn about how they are linked, the differences between them, and what treatments are availabl...

Medical News Today: What to know about fever during pregnancy

Experiencing a fever during pregnancy can be worrying. Learn about the effects that a fever might have on a pregnant woman and their fetus, as well as when to seek help, her...

Medical News Today: Everything you need to know about trigger point injections

Trigger point injections can help relieve chronic muscle pain. Here, learn about the possible side effects, how the injections work, and who may benefi...

How to help your baby through shots and blood tests

As much as we try to avoid having our babies go through pain, sometimes it is inevitable — and sometimes, as is the case with vaccinations and blood tests, pain is part of something that is ultimately important for the baby’s health and well-being. Luckily, shots and blood tests are both quick. But there are things you can do to help your baby feel less pain, be less afraid, and get through the procedure more easily. Helping your baby through the...

Monday, December 23, 2019

Medical News Today: Home remedies for premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual concern. However, there are a range of remedies and techniques that may help control it. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: Can the keto diet treat epilepsy?

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. Here, learn how the keto diet could help reduce the frequency of epileptic seizure...

Medical News Today: What to know about peeing after sex

Peeing after sex may help to prevent urinary tract infections. Read on to discover whether there are any other benefits to peeing after se...

Medical News Today: What are the differences between cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised eggs?

‘Cage-free,’ ‘pasture-raised,’ and ‘free-range’ are all terms that describe egg production methods. They each have differing levels of animal welfare standards. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: Everything you need to know about microneedling with PRP

Microneedling with PRP is a cosmetic procedure that uses tiny needles and plasma from a person’s blood to encourage collagen production. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: Causes of heavy vaginal discharge

Having a certain amount of vaginal discharge is a normal sign of a healthy reproductive system. This article looks at why people may have excessive vaginal discharge and what to do about i...

Medical News Today: Letter from the Editor: Time to reflect

A new year is almost here! In the last letter of 2019, Managing Editor Honor Whiteman reflects on the successes of the past year, and there have been man...

Medical News Today: Why is it so difficult to say no to that piece of cake?

New research in rats identifies a brain circuit that may explain impulsive eating. The findings may eventually help those who are finding it hard to die...

Medical News Today: Infections: How do our bodies know when to retaliate?

A new study shows how our cells detect if an infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a serious threat and whether to mount a defenc...

The Quick and Dirty Upper-Body Workout for Women


21 Essential Paleo Dinners That Will Please Everyone


A new look at steroid injections for knee and hip osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common and potentially debilitating condition. It’s a degenerative joint disease (often called the “wear-and-tear” type) in which the smooth lining of cartilage becomes thinned and uneven, exposing the bone beneath. Although osteoarthritis is tightly linked with aging, we now know there is more to it than age alone: genetics, weight, physical activity, and a number of other factors can conspire to make it more likely that someone...

13 Pregnancy Sex Positions That Are Absolute Fire


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Medical News Today: Finding life's meaning can keep us healthy as we age

A new study in older adults has found a strong correlation between having found meaning in one's life and having good overall healt...

Medical News Today: Dementia: Obesity, but not diet or inactivity, raises risk

New research suggests that it may only be obesity, not a poor diet or lack of physical activity, that contributes to dementia ris...

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Medical News Today: Inflammatory marker could be early warning for dementia

New research identifies an inflammatory biomarker in the blood, called sCD14, that may predict someone's risk of developing clinical dementi...

Medical News Today: 2019 in medical research: What were the top findings?

Another year has come and gone, and we are about to step into a new decade. But what have the past 12 months meant for medical researc...

Medical News Today: What causes arm numbness?

Arm numbness has many possible causes, from sleeping on the arm and cutting off the circulation to serious issues, such as a stroke. Learn more about these and other causes her...

Medical News Today: What causes chest pain on the left side?

Left-sided chest pain can be concerning. Learn how to tell the difference between a heart attack and other potential causes and symptom...

Medical News Today: What are the early signs of lung cancer?

Some people experience subtle symptoms of lung cancer during the early stages of the disease. Read on to learn more, including when to see a docto...

Flu cases reported at increasing rate; 6 deaths in Ky. this season

Kentuckians are getting the flu at an increasing rate, and more are dying from it. In the week ended Dec. 14, there were two deaths, bringing the statewide total for the current flu season to six, according to the state Department for Public Health. During that week, 814 new cases of the flu were reported. Five of the deaths...

Gov. Beshear rescinds Bevin's Medicaid waiver plan but asks federal government to let Kentucky keep four parts of it

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News As he promised in his campaign, Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear rescinded defeated Republican predecessor Matt Bevin's Medicaid plan, which included highly controversial work requirements. But Beshear said he also wants to keep using four parts of it. Beshear signs executive order...

Friday, December 20, 2019

Medical News Today: Liver function tests: What to know

Liver function tests can help doctors determine whether a person has liver damage and what might be causing it. Learn about the tests and what the results mean her...

Medical News Today: What to know about RSD

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or RSD, is a nerve disorder that affects pain regulation. Here, learn about the symptoms and treatment option...

Medical News Today: What to know about the Moro reflex?

The Moro reflex is a normal, involuntary motor response in healthy babies. This article provides more details, including possible triggers and how to calm a baby with Moro refle...

Medical News Today: What is the relationship between depression and sleep?

Depression and sleep problems appear to affect each other. Learn more about how sleeping disorders can affect depression and vice versa, and how to treat the...

Medical News Today: Meningococcemia: Everything you need to know

Meningococcemia is a serious blood infection that causes a rash and other symptoms. Doctors can help prevent severe complications, including death, with prompt treatment. Learn mor...

Medical News Today: Vaping: Is it bad for you?

Many people use vapes because they believe them to be safer than smoking and are an effective tool to quit smoking. But is it safe? Learn more about it her...

Medical News Today: Processed meat and cancer link depends on nitrite content

The strength of evidence linking processed meats to colorectal cancer depends on whether the products contain nitrites, according to a recent revie...

Medical News Today: Does your season of birth affect your mortality risk?

Studies have noted a link between our season of birth and overall mortality risk. A new study takes a fresh look, focusing on cardiovascular mortalit...

Medical News Today: Cardiovascular disease: Dietary cholesterol may not raise risk

Following heart-healthy dietary patterns may be the best choice for keeping cholesterol at healthy levels and arteries in good shap...

Medical News Today: What to know about a CSF leak

A cerebrospinal fluid leak involves the fluid escaping from the spine or a tear in the brain’s protective covering. Read on to learn mor...

Medical News Today: Is tonsillitis contagious?

Some bacteria and viruses can cause inflammation of the tonsils, or tonsillitis. Read on to find out how these pathogens spread, and how to prevent tonsilliti...

Medical News Today: What to know about dysarthria

Dysarthria is a type of speech disorder that occurs due to muscle weakness. Learn about the causes of dysarthria and the available treatment options her...

Researchers urge prostate cancer screening for men with BRCA gene defects

Prostate cancer screening with the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test has been criticized for flagging too many slow-growing tumors that might never be life-threatening. But some men have inherited gene defects that boost their risk of developing prostate cancers that can be quite aggressive. Is PSA screening particularly well-suited for these genetically defined groups? New research suggests the answer is yes. In November, a team of British scientists...

A Period Is a Period. Period.


Everything You Need to Know About IUDs and Periods


Wearables and sleep: What can they really tell us?

Smart devices are everywhere, including wrist-based monitors. These wearables promise to count our steps, remind us to move, and provide insight on our sleep. But can we trust them to measure our sleep accurately? Most wrist-based devices are based on an accelerometer, which measures wrist movement. The data gathered from the accelerometer — how often the wrist moves and how forceful that movement is — are coded as sleep or wake. In some cases, programs...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Medical News Today: What causes acid reflux and shortness of breath?

Discover the association between acid reflux and shortness of breath. We also outline the symptoms of acid reflux, and the treatment options availabl...

Medical News Today: Breast reduction surgery: Everything you need to know

Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can reduce the size of a person’s breasts. Learn about who can benefit and how the procedure works her...

Medical News Today: What to know about alcohol and the keto diet

The keto diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate eating plan. Although alcohol does contain carbohydrates, it can be part of a keto diet. This article looks at the best and worst drinks for people following a keto die...

Medical News Today: What to know about eco-anxiety

Eco-anxiety is a type of fear related to environmental damage and ecological disaster. This article looks at what it is and some tips for managing i...

Medical News Today: Belly fat may reduce mental agility from midlife onward

As middle-aged people age, having more body fat and less muscle may affect their fluid intelligence, says a new study that implicates the immune syste...

Medical News Today: What causes cells to age?

A new cell culture study points to a novel role for the DNA damage repair protein CSB in protecting cells from senescence and agin...

Medical News Today: Ultra-processed foods may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes

New research finds an association between ultra-processed foods and the risk of type 2 diabetes and lays out a few possible explanations for this lin...

14 Ways to Get Those Triglyceride Levels Under Control


15 Heart-Healthy Foods to Boost Your Good Cholesterol


Pain in the Pits: Why Does My Armpit Hurt?


Health officials warn outbreak of drug-resistant bacteria is likely coming from petting puppies in pet stores; 3 of 30 cases are in Ky.

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Getting a puppy for Christmas? Keep clean and take it to a vet. At least 30 people in 13 states have been sickened by a drug-resistant bacteria that federal health officials say was likely picked up from puppies in pet stores, three of them in Kentucky. Getty Images photo, via...

Bill to raise to 21 legal age to buy tobacco and e-cigarettes, pushed by McConnell and e-cig companies, awaits president's signature

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Legislation to raise the nationwide legal age to buy tobacco produces, including electronic cigarettes, from 18 to 21 passed Congress as part of the year-end spending bill and went to President Donald Trump for his expected signature. It passed the House Dec. 17 and the Senate Dec. 19. “I’m...

9 Natural Ways to Get Your Flaky Flow on Track


Eggsclusive: How Many Eggs Should You Actually Eat?


A low-tech school vacation: Keeping kids busy and happy without screens

As we near the holiday season, along with trying to keep track of holiday events, parties, and gifts, parents have to think about what to do with their children during school vacation. Given how exhausting the holiday season can be, it’s understandable why parents often let their children spend hours with the TV, tablet, or video games. After all, happy, quiet kids make for happy parents who can finally get stuff done — or relax. Except kids are...

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Medical News Today: Cancer drug shows promise in Parkinson's disease safety trial

A small clinical trial of nilotinib in people with Parkinson's disease finds that the cancer drug is reasonably safe and holds promise as a therap...

Medical News Today: Why is it so difficult to make people change their minds?

It can be difficult to convince others to change their minds about a topic, sometimes even despite compelling evidence. Why? What happens in the brai...

Medical News Today: What is verbal abuse?

Verbal abuse occurs when someone uses negative or demeaning words to maintain power and control over someone else. Learn more about verbal abuse her...

Medical News Today: What can cause an afternoon headache?

Many people experience headaches in the afternoon. Common causes include dehydration, muscle tension, caffeine, hunger, alcohol, and eyestrain. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: What are the stages of the common cold?

The common cold usually has distinct stages. Knowing these stages can help a person recognize when they may have caught a cold. Read this article to learn mor...

Medical News Today: Eggs and cholesterol: Is industry funded research misleading?

A recent review asks whether industry funding has skewed the research into the effect of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol level...

Medical News Today: Does masturbation cause acne?

There are many misconceptions about masturbation. One myth is that masturbation actually causes acne. Read this article to learn more about this apparent link between acne and masturbatio...

Medical News Today: Flu during pregnancy: What to know

The flu can cause harm during pregnancy. Learn about how to treat it, the symptoms, when to seek help, and about the safety of the flu sho...

The Lowdown on Eating Low Carb


15 Cancer-Fighting Foods You Should Be Eating


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Medical News Today: Having trouble sleeping: What to know

Sleeping difficulties can negatively impact a person’s health. Read this article to learn about the causes and treatment options availabl...

Medical News Today: What can you do to reduce fibroid pain?

Uterine fibroids can be painful and disrupt daily life. Learn about what treatments and medications are available and how to ease the pai...

Medical News Today: What is the best diet for mental health?

Research into the effects of diet on mental health is still ongoing, but the findings to date are promising. Learn about what to eat to improve mental health her...

Medical News Today: Widowmaker heart attack: Everything you need to know

A widowmaker heart attack occurs when a blood clot or cholesterol deposit blocks the left anterior descending artery. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: When can a child sit in the front seat of a car?

Sitting in the front seat of a vehicle can be dangerous for children below a certain age, height, or weight. Learn more about when a child can safely sit in the front seat her...

Medical News Today: What does a radiologist do?

A radiologist is a doctor who interprets medical imaging, such as X-rays. Learn more about what they do and the education that they receive her...

Medical News Today: Male scientists more likely to present findings positively

Clinical articles with male first or last authors tend to be more positive about findings than those with female first and last authors, says a new stud...

Medical News Today: FDA approve fish oil drug for cardiovascular disease

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have recently approved a new fish oil-based drug to help prevent cardiovascular events in people already at ris...

Medical News Today: Could hot chili peppers reduce mortality risk?

A study finds that those who regularly eat hot chilis have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared with those who eat chilis rarel...

Medical News Today: E-cigarettes: How high is the risk of chronic lung disease?

A large new study confirms the link between the use of electronic cigarettes and a significantly increased risk of chronic lung diseas...

Medical News Today: Weight gain during period: What to know

Some people may experience perceived or actual weight gain around the time of their period. Read on to find out why and how to prevent weight gain during a perio...

Medical News Today: How to reduce food waste

There are many ways people can reduce food waste, including properly storing food, freezing, pickling, and using food scraps in stocks and compost. Learn mor...

Sometimes Stress Can Actually Be... Good?


Ooh Baby, Let’s Make a Baby!


15 Reasons “Shark Week” Came Early


The Banana Bread Guide Your Taste Buds Are Asking For


Why I Ditched Hardcore Fitness to Get My Energy Back


How to Fool-Proof Your Period


ACA open enrollment extended until 3 a.m. ET on Dec. 18

Open enrollment for "Obamacare" health insurance has been extended until 3 a.m. ET on Wednesday, Dec. 18 because of extensive computer glitches that happened over the weekend. The original deadline was 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15. The last day is always the busiest, but many people trying to enroll via the website or by phone ran into delays and other issues. Despite the problems, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said in...

Decoding Your Period Blood: What Does It Mean?


Infertility: Grandparents in waiting

“Do you have grandchildren?” This seems like a simple question and one appropriate to ask women and men of a certain age. However, for those who are grandparents-in-waiting this question can bring layers of pain, fear, and challenge. These feelings are all the more powerful for grandparents-in-waiting who themselves experienced infertility years earlier, but they can wallop anyone whose child is struggling to have a child. I’ll begin by defining...

Monday, December 16, 2019

Medical News Today: Are there symptoms for high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is known as the silent killer as it rarely has symptoms. Read this article to learn how to diagnose it and when to seek hel...

Medical News Today: Are some makeup ingredients toxic?

Although many ingredients in makeup are safe, some common ingredients can be harmful to both the body and the environment. Learn more her...

Medical News Today: Diabetes and anxiety: What is the link?

Anxiety is more prevalent among people with diabetes. Read on to find out why and to learn about the treatment options available for each conditio...

Medical News Today: What is a heavy metal detox?

Certain foods and medications can help remove excess heavy metals from the body. This article looks at the effectiveness, benefits, and risks of a heavy metal deto...

Medical News Today: What does an internist do?

An internist is a medical doctor who treats adults with diseases and conditions that affect the internal organs. Learn more in this articl...

Medical News Today: How to safely dispose of medication

Discarded drugs can be harmful to people and the environment. This article provides a go-to guide and steps to take on how to dispose of different types of medications in the U....

Medical News Today: How fish oil might reduce inflammation

A recent study showed that an enriched fish oil supplement reduced inflammation by increasing certain anti-inflammatory molecules in the bloo...

Medical News Today: Same-sex sexual behavior in animals: Do we have it all wrong?

For many years, researchers have made certain assumptions about same-sex sexual behaviors in animals — but what if their assumptions have been wron...

Medical News Today: Drumming makes your brain more efficient

Playing the drums requires coordination between all four limbs. A new study asks whether, over years of practice, this alters the brain's architectur...

How to Use a Calorie Tracker Without Going Overboard


Be Gone, Water Weight


DOACs now recommended over warfarin to prevent blood clots in people with atrial fibrillation

For decades, warfarin (Coumadin) was the standard anticoagulant medication used to prevent blood clots, which can lead to stroke, in people with atrial fibrillation (afib). Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), sometimes called novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs), are a new type of anticoagulant medication that came on the market in 2010. In 2019, the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology/Heart Rhythm Society (AHA/ACC/HRS) updated...

This Is Why You're Not Losing Weight


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Medical News Today: New birth control pill provides contraception for a month

In pigs, researchers have developed a single birth control pill effective for 1 month. The pill could, one day, have a global impact on human healt...

Medical News Today: New food labeling system may reduce calorie intake

If a food label told you that you would need to run for 25 minutes to burn off the product's calories, would it put you off? A new study investigate...

Four flu-related deaths have been reported in Kentucky; state health commissioner urges everyone to get vaccinated

By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News The Kentucky Department of Public Health has reported the first four influenza-related deaths of the 2019-2020 flu season, which runs through May. “We extend our condolences to the families who have suffered losses during this flu season,” Dr. Angela Dearinger, commissioner of the agency,...