Monday, August 31, 2020
Somerset-area legislators decry Beshear's restrictions at Chamber meeting with little use of masks or social distancing

L-R: Sen. Rick Gidler, Reps. David Meade and Ken Upchurch, unopposed House nominees Josh Branscum and Shane Baker (Photos by Chris Harris, Commonwealth Journal)
By Al Cross
Kentucky Health News
Chafing under Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear's executive orders, several Republican legislators said Thursday evening...
How to help your child get the sleep they need
This year, back-to-school plans are still a work in progress, and some (perhaps many) children will be learning from home because of the pandemic. As tempting as it might be to let the summer sleep schedules stay in place, it’s important that children have a regular routine — and that they are sleeping during the dark hours and awake during the light ones, as our bodies do best that way. So while a child whose trip to school is just a walk to the...
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Sunday's new-case report gives state largest one-week total; health commissioner again urges safe behavior next weekend

Plantings in the Floral Clock, to the west of the State Capitol and the Capitol Annex (at left) reflect
Gov. Andy Beshear's "Team Kentucky" slogan for fighting the novel coronavirus. (Photo by Al Cross)
By Al CrossKentucky Health News
The state reported 462 new cases of infection by the novel coronavirus Sunday,...
Nursing homes say they need more help from the state; their residents account for 58.6% of covid-19 deaths, down from 63%

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
As they remain the main sites for deadly infections of the coronavirus, Kentucky's nursing homes are asking for more help from the state, which says much of the help they seek has already been provided or can't be rendered.
At a legislative committee meeting Aug. 26, the head of Kentucky's...
Saturday, August 29, 2020
State records 825 new cases, 4th highest of pandemic; positive-test rate still below 5%; health chief warns about Derby Week

Kentucky Health News chart, based on initial reports of daily case numbers, not later adjustments.
By Al Cross
Kentucky Health News
The spread of the coronavirus continued to accelerate slowly in Kentucky Saturday, with 825 new cases, the fourth largest daily number of the pandemic, and creating its third highest...
Friday, August 28, 2020
State's positive-test rate stays below 5% for the fourth day this week, while daily new-case numbers remain on a slow uptick

Kentucky School Boards Association map shows compliance with the governor's request to delay school opening to Sept 28. For a larger version, click on it.
By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
Gov. Andy Beshear announced Friday that Kentucky has 792 new coronavirus cases, continuing this week's slow uptick in daily...
McConnell announces grants of $125,000 each to 14 counties by federal Drug-Free Communities program
Federal grants of $125,000 each are going to 14 Kentucky counties, school boards and other organizations to help them educate and raise awareness about the dangers of substance abuse in their communities, U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell announced Friday. The grants are part of the $1.75 million coming to Kentucky through the Drug-Free Communities program.
The grant recipients are: Trimble County Board of Education, Pendleton County Board of Education,...
Blown up in smoke: Young adults who vape at greater risk of COVID symptoms
COVID-19 has swept across the globe, infecting millions and resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Substantial resources have been invested into understanding individual vulnerability in order to protect those at greatest risk. Age is the most often cited risk factor; 75% of US deaths have been in people over the age of 65, while younger people generally have milder symptoms. In addition to age, the Centers for Disease Control has delineated...
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Virus has spread too much for contact tracing to contain it, but tracing can still help, especially if more people would cooperate

By Lisa Gillespie
Kentucky Health News
In wide swaths of Kentucky, tracing the contacts of people with the coronavirus is no longer preventing its spread, because the spread has become too wide. Nor is it proving to be an effective response to the pandemic. Instead, it is, at best, slowing the disease rate. And many people...
Legislative committee holds hearing on bipartisan bill to ban 'conversion therapy' for changing sexual orientation of minors
A bill to ban the "conversion therapy" for changing sexual orientation got a hearing before an interim legislative committee Tuesday, perhaps improving its chance for passage in the General Assembly session that is scheduled to begin in January.
"Resuming their bipartisan alliance, Republican Sen. Alice Forgy Kerr and Democratic Rep. Lisa Willner referred to conversion therapy as a discredited practice with potentially dangerous consequences," Louisville's...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Is it safe to reduce blood pressure medications for older adults?
“Doctor, can you take away any of my medications? I am taking too many pills.”
As physicians, we hear this request frequently. The population most affected by the issue of being prescribed multiple medications, known as polypharmacy, is the elderly. Trying to organize long lists of medications, and remembering to take them exactly as prescribed, can become a full-time job. In addition to the physical and emotional burden of organizing medications,...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Beshear says fewer Ky. counties on covid-19 danger list because mask mandate works; funds internet for 32K school kids without it

Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman used this slide to make an announcement at the briefing.
By Mary Meehan and Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
As the share of Kentuckians testing positive for the coronavirus again rose above the danger level of 5 percent, Gov. Andy Beshear pointed to a federal report that shows...
CDC publishes article about Ky. monitoring system to guide decisions about reopening, which says it could help other states

Kentucky's daily covid-19 status, as calculated with tool developed by state health department.
By Melissa PatrickKentucky Health News
As health departments across the nation help states safely reopen their economies and schools, the monitoring system Kentucky officials use to guide their decisions has been lauded...
Monday, August 24, 2020
Beshear OKs fall sports, says he can't make all the calls; issues and funds executive order to resolve disputes over evictions

State graph, adapted by Kentucky Health News; weekly numbers reflect adjustments made after initial daily reports, including elimination of duplicate cases
By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News
Gov. Andy Beshear said the state will not overturn the decision by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association...