Thursday, July 27, 2023

Tips on managing the costs of cancer treatment

CDC graphic
By Charles McCann 
University of Kentucky

Charles McCann, a former patient financial counselor and current oncology patient navigator at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center, provides tips on how to manage the costs of cancer treatment in a university press release. He writes: 

Managing the financial burden of cancer treatment can add to the already challenging physical and emotional journey for patients and their families. However, there are resources available that can help ease the stress. Here are some tips to help navigate the costs:

See a patient financial counselor

Cancer patients and their families should take advantage of financial counseling available through cancer treatment centers, which can help manage treatment expenses and connect patients to resources for financial assistance. Your cancer doctor or nurse can help connect you to the financial assistance offered at your care center.

Understand your insurance coverage

Because insurance, managed care, or public health care programs pay most of the costs of cancer treatment, it’s important to contact your health insurance company to understand your benefits. This includes your deductible and out-of-pocket maximum costs, as well as prescription drug coverage. Also, be sure to ask your doctor if a generic version of a name-brand medicine is an option and inquire about discount drug programs.

Seek financial assistance programs

There are several government and privately-funded financial assistance programs that can cover both medical and non-medical expenses, like travel costs related to treatment.

UK HealthCare, for example, has its own financial assistance program that can cover up to 100% of medical expenses not covered by insurance. This program can cover inpatient stays, outpatient appointments (Markey visits included) and emergency room visits at any UK medical facility. Most medically necessary procedures are covered by the financial assistance, but there are a few exclusions that may apply. Patients should not be deterred by any active balances, because approved financial assistance will backdate and cover ANY active balances not gone to collection. Interested patients can access the financial assistance application via their MyChart account or the UK HealthCare website.

Many other financial assistance programs are privately funded through organizations dedicated to certain types of cancer, so a quick internet search for financial help based on your diagnosis should provide even more options. At Markey, social workers can also connect patients with these programs.

Taking time off work

Cancer treatment often requires time off from work. Check if your employer offers long-term and short-term disability benefits. The Family Leave Medical Act (FMLA) guarantees 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year, along with job and health insurance security for employees who have worked for their employer for 12 months or 1,250 hours. FMLA is also available for caregivers. Additionally, your employer may provide short-term disability insurance, which pays a portion of your salary if you are temporarily unable to work.


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