Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Following the dexamethasone COVID-19 drug news as it unfolds today

I’m flying solo while trying to catch up on today’s news on preliminary announcement of trial results of the drug dexamethasone for COVID-19 patients.

What follows is a series of tweets in response to what the Associated Press, CNN, the BBC, the New York Times, and some smart physicians on Twitter have written. Among the key points:

  • The trial results have not been peer-reviewed or published yet.
  • Some experts are hesitant to make conclusive statements until they can scour all of the data, which are not yet available.
  • One thing that is lacking in the early reports – much of it via PR news release – is any discussion of side effects from dexamethasone – a steroid drug.

This thread began when an old friend, a Minneapolis journalist, asked me to weigh in on CNN’s report about the drug trial.


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