Monday, June 22, 2020

Interim legislative committees to discuss covid-19 issues

Several interim joint committees of the General Assembly will discuss issues related to the coronavirus pandemic Wednesday through Friday, all in Room 171 of the State Capitol Annex. Here is the schedule:

Wednesday, June 24
9 a.m.: Local Government Committee
Issues relating to covid-19 relief: Local Government Commissioner Dennis Keene and Billie Johnson, acting executive director, Office of Federal Grants
Fiscal impacts on local governments relating to economic impact of covid-19: Dr. Paul Coomes, senior fellow, Pegasus Institute
10:30 a.m.: State Government Committee
Contact tracing activities and CARES Act spending, contracting and oversight: Deputy Health Commissioner Tricia Okeson and Mark Carter, executive adviser, Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Legislative Research Commission response to the pandemic: Jay Hartz, LRC Director
Personnel Cabinet's response to the pandemic: Gerina Whethers, Secretary
1 p.m.: Health, Welfare, and Family Services Committee
Hospital preparedness and capacity: Kentucky Hospital Association President Nancy Galvagni, KHA Vice President of Health Policy Jim Musser
Impact on rural health-care providers: John Inman, director of advocacy and government affairs, Kentucky Primary Care Association
Pandemic field hospitals: Government Relations Director Bart Hardin and Chief Procurement Officer Barry Swanson, University of Kentucky; Shannon Rickett, assistant vice president for government relations, University of Louisville

Thursday, June 25
3 p.m: Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee
Effects of covid-19 on Medicaid enrollment and expenditures: Medicaid Commissioner Lisa Lee

Friday, June 26
9 a.m: Economic Development and Workforce Investment
Unemployment insurance: Josh Benton, deputy secretary, Education and Workforce Development Cabinet; Heather Dearing, director of legislative affairs
1 p.m.: Tourism, Small Business, and Information Technology
Impact of covid-19 on businesses and what comes next: Travis Burton, political affairs director, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Impact of covid-19 and reopening of child-care providers: Bradley Stevenson, executive director, Child Care Council of Kentucky
Impact of covid-19 and the Shop Healthy initiative on retail businesses: Kentucky Retail Federation President Todd Griffin; Shannon Stiglitz, senior vice president for government affairs


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