Saturday, July 16, 2022

Next medical-cannabis town hall set Tuesday, July 19, in Frankfort

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Gov. Andy Beshear's Medical Cannabis Advisory Committee will hold its next town hall meeting on Tuesday, July 19, in Frankfort. 

The meeting will be held at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Conference Center-C105 Auditorium, 200 Mero Street, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. EDT. Attendees are encouraged to register, but registration is not required.

Beshear said he created the advisory committee to help advise him on providing access to medical cannabis for Kentuckians suffering from chronic pain and other medical conditions.

"What we're doing these town halls for is, everybody deserves to be a part," Beshear said at his weekly press conference. "Over 90 percent of Kentuckians have suggested that they are for this, and the legislature isn't listening to them at all. So we're trying to give them a voice in the ultimate decision-making that's happening." 

Asked for an update on his effort to find a way to bring medical marijuana to Kentucky by executive action, Beshear said his team is still researching this issue but he expects results that will help some people.  

"I'm more than confident that we are going to be able to move the needle, and we are going to be able to move ahead on this topic, and that some actions are going to be taken," he said, later adding, "I expect that there will be some results that in the very least will provide some relief to a number of Kentuckians who deserve it." 

After the Frankfort meeting, the next one will be Monday, July 25, at Hopkinsville Community College from 5:30 to 7 p.m. CDT. For a list of meetings visit The web page has a portal to submit personal stories and experiences. Videos of the three previous town halls can be found on the page and viewed on the Public Protection Cabinet's You-Tube cannel. 


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