Monday, April 27, 2020

With kids at home, now's a good time to get them to quit using electronic cigarettes; state has programs designed for teenagers

A message from "This is Quitting"
Adolescents and teenagers are spending much more time at home while schools are closed, so this seems like a good time for parents and caregivers to help those who use electronic cigarettes to quit that habit.

Kentucky offers two free programs specifically targeted to teens:

"This is Quitting" is for people 13 to 24 and provides coaching by text message.

"My Life My Quit" is a free, confidential quitline for Kentuckians under 18, available from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. ET seven days a week. To learn more, call 855-891-9989; text START MY QUIT to 855-891-9989; or visit the MyLIfeMyQuit website.

Signs that a teenager may be using e-cigarettes include: increased secrecy, unwillingness to stay at home, desire for spicy or salty foods, disappearing money, increased thirst, increased irritability or mood changes.

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