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Friday, July 31, 2020

Hospitals overall are losing money, and it's likely to get worse; Cynthiana hospital says it's 'at a negative 25% margin'

A report prepared for the American Hospital Association predicts half of the nation's hospitals will be losing money by the end of the year unless Congress gives them more relief money, and some of those hospitals are in Kentucky.

Overall, hospitals usually have an operating margin of 3.5 percent, but that is expected to be minus 3% for the second quarter of this year, once the figures are compiled, and could sink to minus 7% in the third and fourth quarters -- and half of all hospitals are likely to operate with a negative margin, said the report by Kaufman Hall, a health-care consulting firm.

"That drop would have been negative 15% without funding from Congress, which gave providers $175 billion a few months ago," Robert King reports for Fierce Healthcare. Hospitals had to give up their most profitable function, elective surgery, in the early months of the pandemic, and now many Americans are reluctant to enter a hospital. 

AHA organized a call with reporters and hospital executives, including Sheila Currans, CEO of Harrison Memorial Hospital in Cynthiana. She said the hospital tries to get an 0.6% operating margin in a good year, but “We are at a negative 25 percent margin.”

Rural hospitals like Cynthiana's have struggled most, and that's par for the course, says Alan Morgan, CEO of the National Rural Health Association. “For the last 20 years, rural hospitals have been struggling,” Morgan said. “That’s kind of who they are.” NRHA says "Many rural hospitals are also facing workforce reductions at a time when residents need care most," and quotes Debrin Jenkins of the West Virginia Rural Health Association: “I think it’s redline dangerous … I think it will be a huge increase in death.”

New virus cases up for 5th day; covid-19 patients' ICU use spikes; positive-test rate declines; studies don't look good for school

By Al Cross and Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

New cases of the novel coronavirus in Kentucky increased for the fifth straight day, to 778, the fourth largest number yet, and the number of Kentuckians in intensive care for covid-19 rose to the highest in months.

Gov. Andy Beshear emphasized the third consecutive decline in the percentage of Kentuckians testing positive for the virus in the last seven days.

The 5.43 percent rate was slightly under the daily average for the week so far, 5.51%, and notably under the 5.81% reported Wednesday. Last week, the rate rose above 5 percent for the first time since testing became generally available.

"We still have too many cases and we need to do everything we can to try to decrease those," Beshear said in a press release. "We’re also seeing an increase of patients in the ICU."

The release didn't mention the intensive-care-unit numbers from the state's daily report: 150, up from 110 on Thursday, a 36% increase, and exceeding the recent ICU high of 145, reported July 22. Higher numbers were reported in the spring, during the pandemic's first surge in Kentucky.

Beshear continued to say the latest surge has slacked off to a plateau, based on weekly figures. He said it appears that this week will end with about the same number of cases that were reported last week. That is speculative, because two days remain in the reporting week, which runs from Monday through Sunday.

Two different snapshots of the data illustrate how different it can look. The state's seven-day rolling average stands at 609, close to where it has stood for the last five days. But the three-day average is at 685, the highest since the 748 recorded on July 25, when the state recorded its third-highest number of new daily cases, 836. Here are graphs of the three-day and seven-day averages this month:
Kentucky Health News graphs, based on daily reports from state Department for Public Health
Counties with more than 10 new cases Friday were Jefferson, 203; Fayette, 51; Warren, 45; Madison, 26; Graves, 23; Boone and Mercer, 19 each; Kenton, 17; Bullitt and Hardin, 16 each; Harlan and Pulaski, 15 each; Barren and Scott, 13 each; Campbell, McCracken ans Oldham, 12 each; and Shelby, 11.

Studies on virus spread by children have implications for schools

A study released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that children of all ages are susceptible to the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and can spread it to others. The study is one of the few that documents spread among children, so it could guide school officials as they decide when and how to resume classes.

"Asymptomatic infection was common and potentially contributed to undetected transmission, as has been previously reported," CDC said. "This investigation adds to the body of evidence demonstrating that children of all ages are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and, contrary to early reports might play an important role in transmission."

The study looked at an outbreak at an overnight camp in Georgia last month, where 260 children and staff got the virus. The median age of the campers was 12, all were required to test negative before arriving, and staff were required to wear masks, but the campers were not.

Another study has found that children under age 5 with mild to moderate covid-19 had as much or more virus in their their upper respiratory tract as adults, Dennis Thompson reports for MedicineNet. The authors wrote in a research letter in JAMA Pediatrics that "Young children can potentially be important drivers of SARS-CoV-2 spread in the general population."

The studies "could have massive impact when it comes to school reopenings," CNN's Jake Tapper reported. Dr. Michael Saag, professor of medicine and infectious diseases, University of Alabama at Birmingham, told him, "This is a giant experiment; we don't know what to expect."

In other covid-19 news Friday:
  • Kentucky's covid-19 death toll rose to 735, with the deaths of a 75-year-old man from Fayette County, an 86-year-old woman from Jefferson County, a 63-year-old man from Perry County and an 80-year-old woman from Taylor County.
  • "The $1 trillion coronavirus relief plan U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans unveiled this week will not meet the needs of struggling Kentuckians, said a group Thursday representing restaurants, the homeless, education and local governments," Jack Brammer reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.  Ryland Barton of WFPL also reports on critics of the plan, and USA Today breaks down what Democrats and Republicans want, along with easy to read graphs.  
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronaviurs today that he was "cautiously optimistic" we could have a vaccine by late fall or early winter. A Herald-Leader story offers a short overview of the vaccine's progress. 
  • Chris Kenning of the Louisville Courier Journal takes a deep dive into the coronavirus outbreak in Appalachian Kentucky. "Bell and neighboring Harlan County recently recorded some of Kentucky’s highest per-capita average daily case increases," he reports. "Bell went from 20 cases to more than 200 in two weeks. Harlan saw 85 in a single week, twice as many as it had over four months. Bell, Clay, Knox and Harlan counties combined, for example, saw deaths more than triple to 18 in the month ending July 30."
  • The Hispanic population in Kentucky has been particularly hard hit by the coronavirus.  Only 3.9% of the state's population is Hispanic, but 14.4% of coroanavirus cases and 4.19% of covid-19 deaths are among Hispanics. Louisville health officials plan to expand testing sites aimed at Hispanic communities, Deborah Yetter reports for the Courier Journal. 
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers a Q&A page on antibody, or serology, testing for the virus. Antibody tests can help identify people who may have been infected but had no symptoms. 
  • As scientists have converged on a theory that the virus is largely spread among people through large droplets expelled in sneezes or coughs, or through smaller aerolsolized droplets, like those created by talking, public-health experts have put more emphasis placed on wearing masks and social distancing, and less emphasis on extensive surface cleaning in public places, except in health-care settings. It is also important to remember the importance of keeping hands washed, Derek Thompson reports for The Atlantic. Emanuel Goldman, a microbiology professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, told him, “Masks, social distancing, and moving activities outdoors. That’s it. That’s how we protect ourselves. That’s how we beat this thing.”

Lifestyle changes are important for managing atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (afib) is a common heart rhythm disorder in which the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) beat fast and irregularly. Afib commonly causes recurrent symptoms, usually palpitations and shortness of breath, and can negatively affect quality of life. Afib also substantially increases the risk of stroke, and is also associated with heart failure, high blood pressure, and diabetes. People with afib routinely require lifelong treatment with blood thinners, to prevent blood clots that can lead to strokes.

Doctors are only recently understanding the importance of lifestyle factors in treating afib. Modifiable lifestyle factors are so important and under-recognized that the American Heart Association (AHA) recently released a scientific statement summarizing the latest research on this topic. The AHA wants both doctors and patients to understand the relationship between lifestyle and afib, and to work as a team to put these lifestyle factors into practice. Following is a discussion of important lifestyle factors, how they may impact afib, and what you can do.


One of the strongest factors associated with afib is body weight. Obesity (defined as body mass index [BMI] > 30) has been shown in multiple studies to be linked to the development of afib. Obesity is associated with changes to electrical signaling within the atria, as well as structural changes to the heart’s upper chambers. Overeating can also cause inflammation via changes in hormone and cell-signaling pathways in the atria. Several studies have shown that as we gain weight, fat is deposited in the heart (as well as other places throughout the body), and this can trigger arrhythmias, most commonly afib.

Obesity can also be a cause of new or worsening hypertension (high blood pressure), which promotes further structural changes in the heart. Obesity also can cause obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes, both of which independently increase risk of afib.

The good news is that for people who are overweight or obese, just a 10% reduction in weight seems to improve symptoms related to afib.


For decades cardiologists have encouraged people to exercise, because exercise reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular causes. Not only is exercise good, but physical inactivity is actually detrimental; a sedentary lifestyle contributes to afib and may actually be an independent predictor of this condition. The AHA recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, to improve cardiovascular health. Regular exercise helps to prevent atrial fibrillation and, if you already have afib, reduces symptoms and improves afib-related quality of life.

If you are not already exercising, talk to your physician about starting a low-intensity exercise program. Brisk walking is a great form of moderate exercise and allows for physical distancing. Start with 20 minutes a day and gradually increase your pace and duration to achieve at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity.

Sleep disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder in which people stop breathing for short periods while they are sleeping. It is the most common form of sleep-disordered breathing and is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease. There is also a very high prevalence of OSA in people with afib, and recurrence of afib symptoms is higher in people with more severe OSA.

Cardiologists now routinely screen people with recurrent afib symptoms for OSA. Treating OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) appears to improve afib symptoms.

If you experience afib symptoms, ask your doctors if you should have a sleep study to check for OSA.


Alcohol is a known risk factor for atrial fibrillation, and there is mounting evidence that the old adage “less is more” may be true for drinking if you have afib. A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine found less afib when patients decreased or abstained from alcohol.

If you have afib, try cutting back on alcohol, or even not drinking at all. Talk to your doctor if you are having trouble reducing your alcohol consumption.


The risk of afib is higher in patients with type 2 diabetes. While the mechanism is not well understood, it’s likely that elevated blood sugars directly damage the heart and promote structural, electrical, and autonomic changes within the heart tissue.

The good news is that better blood sugar control improves both the severity and frequency of afib symptoms. Lifestyle changes that promote exercise and limit inactivity can also help with weight loss and blood sugar control.


Dietary changes can translate into weight loss, and also help to control blood sugar if you have diabetes. Changing your diet can be challenging, but eating less processed foods and more fresh vegetables and fruit is a good starting place. Target bad habits, like snacking or eating out of boredom. And consider transitioning to a Mediterranean diet, which helps control weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

The post Lifestyle changes are important for managing atrial fibrillation appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

UK HealthCare again best Ky. hospital in U.S. News & World Report rankings; Baptist Health has two of seven on state list

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Seven Kentucky hospitals are included in the nation's "Best Regional Hospitals" in the latest annual rankings by the magazine U.S. News & World Report

They are, in order: the University of Kentucky hospital; in a tie for second, Baptist Health Louisville and St. Elizabeth Healthcare Edgewood-Covington Hospitals, Louisville's Norton Hospital and Baptist Health Lexington; and in sixth, the University of Louisville's Jewish Hospital and Saint Joseph Hospital-Lexington. 

To make the list, a hospital must offer a full range of services; either be ranked nationally in one of 12 measured specialties or have three or more high-performance rankings for procedures and conditions; and have at least two more high-performing than below-average rankings for procedures and conditions. The last criterion is new.

The report offers an overview of 122 Kentucky hospitals with a breakdown of each of the measured categories, as relevant to the services the hospital provides. 

UK HealthCare, for the fifth consecutive year, claimed the No. 1 ranking with its Albert B. Chandler Hospital. The hospital also ranked in the top 50 for cancer care for the fourth straight year, and moved up to its highest ranking yet in that specialty, 29th. The hospital's Markey Cancer Center is the state's only National Cancer Institute-sponsored center, one of 71 in the nation. 

Dr. Mark F. Newman, UK executive vice president for health affairs, said in a news release, “This has been a challenging year, to put it mildly. But in these times, it’s more important than ever that Kentuckians with complex health problems have a medical center they can come to for best treatment options possible.”

UK also ranked as high-performing in these specialties: gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery, geriatrics, nephrology (kidneys), orthopedics and urology.

The 31st annual rankings compared more than 4,500 hospitals in 26 specialties, procedures and conditions. A release said 134 were nationally ranked in at least one specialty, and 563 were ranked among the Best Regional Hospitals in a state or metro area. Data used for the rankings predate the covid-19 pandemic.

Baptist Health had two of the state's top seven hospitals. Baptist Health Paducah fell off the Best Regional Hospital list this year, after being added last year for the first time ever, but it continued to be rated high-performing in heart failure and COPD.

Baptist Health CEO Gerard Colman said in a news release, “Baptist Health has long been known for its compassionate clinical care, and the U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals rankings validate the high quality care provided by our physicians, nurses and staff as they live out our mission of leading in clinical excellence, compassionate care and growth to meet the needs of our communities.”

The report recognizes hospitals that are "high-performing" for 10 common adult procedures and conditions, including repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms, aortic valve surgery, trans-catheter aortic valve replacement (added this year) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, colon-cancer surgery, heart-bypass surgery, lung-cancer surgery, hip replacement, knee replacement and congestive heart failure.

UK Healthcare ranked high-performing in all those categories except abdominal aortic aneurysms and trans-catheter aortic valve replacement, both dealing with the body's main artery, and knee replacement. It ranked average in those three categories. 

Baptist Health Louisville ranked high-performing for all procedures and conditions except trans-catheter aortic valve replacement and lung-cancer surgery. It ranked average in both.

St. Elizabeth Healthcare ranked high-performing in all the categories except aortic valve surgery, trans-catheter aortic valve replacement and heart-bypass surgery, in which it ranked average. It ranked high-performing in one specialty, orthopedics.

Baptist Health Lexington ranked high-performing in all but four categories, in which it ranked average: aortic valve surgery, trans-catheter aortic valve replacement, colon-cancer surgery and hip replacement.

Norton Hospital ranked high-performing for four procedures and conditions: heart failure, hip replacement, knee replacement and COPD. It ranked average for the other seven. 

Saint Joseph Hospital-Lexington ranked high-performing for colon-cancer surgery, heart failure and COPD, and average for the rest.

UofL Health-Jewish Hospital ranked high-performing for lung cancer surgery, heart failure and COPD. It ranked average for the remaining categories. 

Click here for information about how the magazine ranks the hospitals, including details on this year's methodology changes. 

Nationally, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., claimed the No. 1 spot, followed by Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, according to a news release

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Cases up, positive-test rate down; Beshear says mask mandate having effect, but suggests more people should work from home

State chart adapted by Ky. Health News; current period has 3 of 7 days remaining; at current rate would be 3845.
By Al Cross and Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Thursday's coronavirus numbers were mixed, but Gov. Andy Beshear kept accentuating the positive, saying he sees the impact of his July 9 order requiring Kentuckians to wear masks in indoor public spaces and outdoors when they can't stay six feet apart.

"It appears that face coverings are making a difference," Beshear said as he announced 659 new cases of the virus, raising the seven-day rolling average by seven, to 612.

"We believe what we are generally seeing is a leveling off or at least a significant decrease in the escalation" that began in early July, he said.

The day's good number was 5.66 percent, the share of Kentuckians testing positive for the virus in the last seven days. Wednesday's seven-day percentage was 5.81.

Noting weekly figures, he said "We at least stopped the significant escalation in that last week we're showing, and we believe we are going to be somewhere in that zone at the end of this week."

Beshear said the state remains in "a danger zone, but again with the time to do things right." In a new suggestion, he said businesses could help by letting more of their employees work from home.

"I think the further that we've gotten into this virus, the more people have tried to pull 100 percent of their employees back in the office, and that doesn't help," he said, adding later that he had heard, anecdotally, that many workplaces are operating at 100%. "I would still really suggest people stay down around 50 percent," he said. "If people are productive virtually, don't mess with their production."

Contact tracing: The July surge did not overwhelmed the state's contact tracers, the employees who call people who have had contact with those who have tested positive for the virus, said Mark Carter, the official overseeing the program.

Carter said 70% to 75% of those contacted are cooperative when asked to self-quarantine. "They want to protect their health, they want to protect their loved ones," he said. "Certainly, there are those that are uncooperative, but so far those have been far in the minority."

He said more cases could overwhelm the program, so it's important to recognize it as one measure of the state's response to the pandemic. He suggested that its big test will come when students return to classrooms. "Indoor settings are an issue," he said, "and as we look at school returning, whenever that happens, that is of significant concern to us."

In other covid-19 news Thursday:
  • The state reported seven more deaths from covid-19, raising its toll to 731. The fatalities were a 75-year-old man from Casey County; a 65-year-old man from Christian County; a 92-year-old woman from Green County; an 82-year-old man from Greenup County; an 81-year-old woman from Ohio County; a 63-year-old woman from Simpson County; and a 70-year-old woman from Warren County.
  • Counties with more than 10 new cases were Jefferson,138; Fayette, 42; Warren, 22; Laurel, 20; Hardin, 18; Shelby, 17; Graves and Henderson, 15 each; Christian and Daviess, 14 each; Kenton and Mercer, 13 each; Barren, Oldham and Scott, 12 each; and Franklin and Pulaski, 11 each.
  • Beshear said Thursday's 659 new cases included 22 children under 5.
  • In long-term care facilities, 12 more residents and 18 more employees tested positive for the virus, but no new deaths were attributed to the facilities. Five more facilities were added to the list of those with a least one case, raising the total to 253.
  • He cast some doubt on the Sept. 5 Kentucky Derby, to be held at 60% spectator capacity, when asked if he would go if it were held now. "I think everybody wants us to see improvements on where our numbers are," and if the recent escalation continued, "I would have to think long and hard before really going anywhere and that's about a decision for me and my family," he said. "If the numbers are still where they are right now in September, that means we've done a great job plateauing them, and if that's the case I probably would go and hand out that trophy." He said he hopes Churchill Downs is continuing to find ways to make the event safer.
  • Asked abut the state fair, set for Aug. 20-30, he said the Department for Public Health "sent an additional series of recommendations . . . for them to consider in light of where we are right now. And remember, anything that is held out there or anywhere else around Kentucky that is large, if not done well, can ultimately upset other opportunities to do large events." He said he did not know what the agency's recommendations were. 
  • Beshear said mediation failed to resolve Northern Kentucky landlords' lawsuit challenging his ban on evictions, so the suit will head toward trial. The state Supreme Court is allowing eviction cases to be filed, but Beshear's order bans execution of eviction judgments. He acknowledged that some renters are "gaming the system . .. but are there people out there that are suffering because of this virus or its economic impact that we can't allow to be kicked out on the street? Yes."
  • Muncie McNamara, whom Beshear fired as unemployment insurance director, told legislators that during the early-spring crush of jobless claims, the Beshear administration approved thousands that should have been investigated, until the U.S. Department of Labor “got wind that we were doing that and told us that we had to stop.” He "also said the unemployment insurance system wasn’t technologically prepared when Beshear in March offered the jobless aid to people who wouldn’t normally qualify such as independent contractors, ahead of the federal government taking similar action," Chris Otts reports for WDRB.
  • Beshear replied that it's not unusual for a fired official to make "big allegations" that don't pan out. "I believe here we have somebody who, their relationships certainly got messy by the end, but it appears that the termination was valid and they are not kind of exhibiting some of these same things that we have seen in the past. My understanding is that everything that was raised by that individual as they were leaving was addressed."
  • Regarding a data breach that McNamara said he reported, Beshear said McNamara forwarded" an email to people who are getting thousands of emails, and then went home. If you are the head of something, you've got a bigger obligation than that." Still, he said the pending inspector general's report on the data breach will "show a number of people in leadership positions should have done more. And we're going to make sure that we correct that and we're going to make sure we are transparent about it."

Can appealing to teenagers’ vanity improve sun-protective behaviors?

As the summer warmth lures us outside, parents may be struggling to get their teenagers to follow sun protection guidelines. It can be challenging to catch the attention of younger people, for whom health concerns such as skin cancer feel like a lifetime away. One promising strategy for educating teens about sun-protective behavior is to appeal to their vanity and meet them where they are — on their smartphones.

Mobile app reveals possible effects of UV exposure

A recent study in JAMA Dermatology looked at the impact of using a face-aging mobile application on sun-protective behaviors in a group of Brazilian high school students. The face-aging mobile app used in the study, called Sunface, allows the user to take a selfie and shows what they might look like in five, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years, based on three levels of exposure the user selects: sun protection, no sun protection, and weekly tanning.

The face-aging mobile app modifies selfies by adding skin changes from chronic ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure, such as from the sun or tanning beds. Signs of photoaging (premature aging of the skin from chronic sun exposure) include brown spots, increased facial wrinkles, uneven skin pigmentation, enlarged or broken blood vessels, and actinic keratoses (gritty rough spots that are precursors to skin cancer). While the accuracy of the face-aging app algorithm is unclear, it creates a reasonable facsimile of the effects of chronic sun exposure.

Study finds teens may be motivated by vanity

The JAMA Dermatology study authors divided the high school students into two categories. One group of students was shown the effects that UV exposure could have on their future faces via the app. The app also provided information about sun protection. The control group did not receive any intervention or sun protection education. At the start of the study, the researchers collected information from all study participants about their sunscreen application, tanning bed use, and performance of skin self-examinations. They then followed the students over six months to re-assess for changes in baseline behaviors. The study was led by the app developer.

In the face-aging app group, the percentage of students using sunscreen every day increased from 15% at the start of the study to 22.9% at the six-month follow up. There was no increase in sunscreen use in the control group. There was also an increase in the proportion of students in the face-aging app group who performed at least one skin self-examination during the six months of follow-up. There was no corresponding increase in the control group. Finally, while use of tanning beds had decreased in the mobile app group at the three-month follow up, tanning bed use returned to nearly baseline six months after students used the face-aging app. This is troubling, because indoor tanning increases the risk of skin cancers, including the deadliest form, melanoma.

The face-aging app had greater impact on high school girls, meaning boys were less likely to be motivated by appearance-based educational efforts. Over a lifetime, men are more likely than women to develop and die from melanoma, so other methods are needed to promote sun-safe behaviors in teenage boys.

One limitation of the study is that because students in the control group did not receive any basic sun protection education, it is not 100% clear whether the app’s face-aging simulation, the UV protection information provided by the app, or some combination of the two was responsible for the study findings.

Early sun-protective behaviors can have a lasting impact

Early sun-protective behaviors can have a lasting impact on the development and appearance of photoaging, and can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. Beginning in infancy, children should be kept out of direct sunlight and covered with sun-protective clothing with an ultraviolet protective factor of 50+. Sunscreens are safe for infants starting at 6 months.

During adolescence and beyond, a tanned appearance is often associated with youthfulness and health. Instead of using a tanning bed, opt for a sunless tanning cream to achieve a similar effect — but be sure to apply a sunscreen, since tanning creams generally don’t contain sun-protective factor unless explicitly stated on the label. Another option is to apply a tinted sunscreen.

The following tips can help reduce photoaging and risk for skin cancer.

  • Avoid peak hours of the sun’s intensity (generally between 10am and 2pm) and seek shade when outdoors.
  • Wear sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy, raining, or snowing:
    • broad-spectrum UVA/UVB coverage
    • SPF 30+, which blocks 97% of the sun’s rays (no sunscreen blocks 100% of the rays)
    • water-resistant (be sure to reapply every two hours when outside or after getting wet or toweling off)
  • Wear sun-protective clothing (UPF 50+) like broad-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, and pants.

The post Can appealing to teenagers’ vanity improve sun-protective behaviors? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

Things you should think about when you hear “vaccine by end of the year”

On July 27, 2020, the Washington Post reported, Two coronavirus vaccines begin the last phase of testing: 30,000-person trials, wrapping it in historical terms:

Getty Images

At 6:45 a.m. Monday, a volunteer in Savannah, Ga., received a shot in the arm and became the first participant in a massive human experiment that will test the effectiveness of an experimental coronavirus vaccine candidate. The vaccination marks a much-anticipated milestone: the official launch of the first in a series of large U.S. clinical trials that will each test experimental vaccines in 30,000 participants.

“We are participating today in the launching of a truly historic event in the history of vaccinology,” Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a news conference. He noted that the United States has never moved faster to develop a vaccine, from basic science to a large Phase 3 trial designed to test safety and effectiveness.

Fauci predicted that researchers would probably be able to tell whether the Moderna vaccine was effective by November or December, although he explained that it was a “distinct possibility” an answer could come sooner. Pfizer officials have said the company expects to be able to seek regulatory authorization or approval by October.

When people read and hear such projections, I think there are some things they should think about.  I’ve gathered some observations from several sources and placed them under different headings below, some of which unavoidably overlap.

What could it mean when you hear projections about a vaccine within months?

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia website:

While late 2020 or early 2021 have been suggested as target dates, it is important for people to understand what that projection means.

First, science keeps its own timeline, meaning that while a scientist may have a goal in mind, the research may or may not progress as planned. In science, we don’t know what we don’t know, so while it is important to have goals in mind, part of the scientific process is understanding that unanticipated issues may change the plan.

Second, even when a vaccine is finally licensed, that does not mean it will be immediately available for everyone to get it. Several important considerations are relevant.

The CHOP website goes on to describe production, distribution, supply chain issues.  Read more about each under the heading, “COVID-19 vaccine availability” at the bottom of the linked page. The section concludes:

For these reasons, the discussions related to a vaccine timeline are more complex than may be realized from reports in the media.

What isn’t known at this point that could blow up these projections?

The Atlantic offered A Vaccine Reality Check. Excerpt:

Each week brings news of “early success,” “promising initial results,” and stocks rising because of “vaccine optimism.” But a COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely to meet all of these high expectations. The vaccine probably won’t make the disease disappear. It certainly will not immediately return life to normal.

Biologically, a vaccine against the COVID-19 virus is unlikely to offer complete protection. Logistically, manufacturers will have to make hundreds of millions of doses while relying, perhaps, on technology never before used in vaccines and competing for basic supplies such as glass vials. Then the federal government will have to allocate doses, perhaps through a patchwork of state and local health departments with no existing infrastructure for vaccinating adults at scale. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has led vaccine distribution efforts in the past, has been strikingly absent in discussions so far—a worrying sign that the leadership failures that have characterized the American pandemic could also hamper this process. To complicate it all, 20 percent of Americans already say they will refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine, and with another 31 percent unsure, reaching herd immunity could be that much more difficult.

Scientific American published an opinion piece by William Haseltine, The Risks of Rushing a COVID-19 Vaccine.

Bloomberg opinion piece by Max Nisen:

“Scientists know little about the longevity and protective abilities of natural responses and even less about what vaccine developers should be measuring. Immune responses measured in the lab don’t always correlate to real-world protection, a risk that’s especially acute for rapidly developed vaccines against a novel virus. ….

It’s tempting to leap on every piece of vaccine news as a firm step forward or the clincher for a preferred candidate. At this stage, excesses of both optimism and odds-making can get both investors and policymakers in trouble.”

Former FDA commissioner Robert Califf, after Lancet editor Richard Horton called an Oxford vaccine “safe and well-tolerated” based on a paper in the Lancet July 20:

I know @richardhorton1 knows this, but for lay people viewing this, ‘safe’ in this context just means nothing bad happened that should pause larger trials. Safety of vaccines can only be determined by very large, controlled trials followed by serious post-market surveillance.”

Safety concerns were Hilda Bastian’s focus in a Wired article, Covid-19 Vaccines With ‘Minor Side Effects’ Could Still Be Pretty Bad. She wrote:

(As several vaccine trials) push ahead into the final phase of testing, it’s vital that the public has a clear and balanced understanding of this work—one that cuts through all the marketing and hype. But we’re not off to a good start. The evidence so far suggests that we’re getting blinkered by these groups’ PR, and so seduced by stories of their amazing speed that we’re losing track of everything else. In particular, neither the mainstream media nor the medical press has given much attention to the two vaccines’ potential downsides—in particular, their risk of nasty adverse effects, even if they’re not life-threatening. This sort of puffery doesn’t only help to build a false impression; it may also dry the tinder for the future spread of vaccine fearmongering.

There is already a high level of misinformation and distrust about fast-tracked Covid-19 vaccines in the American community. This week, a new preprint from Kin On Kwok and colleagues found that even a sizable proportion of nurses in Hong Kong would be hesitant to take one. We may have a vaccine soon, say the authors of that paper, but “communities are not ready to accept it.” It won’t help to overcome this skepticism if notable evidence of harms keeps getting pushed off to the side. It’s much better to be straight up about what it’s really like to take one of these vaccines. Why would anyone trust the experts otherwise?

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia website describes different possible obstacles with the seven different vaccine approaches being studied:

It is likely that more than one of these will work, but until large clinical trials are completed, we won’t know for sure. Likewise, the different approaches may have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, mRNA or DNA vaccines are much faster to produce, but neither has been used to successfully make a vaccine that has been used in people. On the other hand, killed viral vaccines and live, weakened viral vaccines have been used in people safely and effectively for many years, but they take longer to produce.

In addition to differences in how long it takes to make different types of vaccines, each type may also cause the immune system to respond differently. Understanding the immune responses that are generated will be important for determining whether additional (booster) doses will be needed, how long vaccine recipients will be protected, and if one type offers benefits over another. ….

It is likely that COVID-19 vaccines could have different levels of effectiveness in various subgroups of people. Because the elderly generally do not respond as well to vaccines, one or more COVID-19 vaccines may not work well for them, which is concerning given their higher risk of severe disease. The large phase III studies may not include people over a certain age.

Who decides who gets a vaccine first…and how?

In a Washington Post story, Who should get a coronavirus vaccine first?, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins says, “This is going to be controversial and not everybody’s going to like the answer.”

What impact has politics had/might it have on vaccine development?

We may never know the full answer to that.  The project name – Operation Warp Speed – may tell you something.

In his Independence Day address, President Trump said: “We are unleashing our nation’s scientific brilliance and we’ll likely have a therapeutic and/or vaccine solution long before the end of the year.” Soon thereafter the FDA Commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, said “I can’t predict when a vaccine will be available.”  Politics versus science.

The Associated Press reported:

President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic put his political fate in grave jeopardy. Now he’s hoping to get credit for his administration’s aggressive push for a vaccine -– and crossing his fingers that one gets approved before Election Day.

Privately, many White House officials have pinned their reelection hopes on the potential emergence of a vaccine for the coronavirus, believing it to be the ultimate “October surprise.” Some believe Trump may well be doomed without one, and that even with one, it may be too late to save his fortunes with so many Americans expected to vote before Election Day on Nov. 3.

The New York Times reported, “Billions are being poured into developing a shot, but the rapid timetable and President Trump’s cheerleading are creating a whole new group of vaccine-hesitant patients.”

The Times also reported, “In using the federal government’s purchasing power for a coronavirus vaccine, the Trump administration is taking an approach similar to one suggested by the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Mr. Biden’s coronavirus response plan calls for the nation to “ramp up the large-scale manufacturing of as many vaccine candidates as necessary” and to “ensure everyone, not just the wealthy and well connected,” has access to new therapies.”

Trump is not alone in politicizing vaccine development.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tweeted about the “very positive news” about the Oxford vaccine research, calling out “a huge well done to our brilliant world-leading scientists and researchers.”

And certainly China is in a race to beat both the US and the UK and to deliver a vaccine.

Vox reported on The global risk of “vaccine nationalism” – with “geopolitics deeply intertwined with competition for a cure” and “where the race to discover and distribute a coronavirus vaccine pits countries against each other.”

Will a vaccine put the pandemic “in our rear view mirror”?

As The Atlantic’s “Vaccine Reality Check” above stated:  “a vaccine probably won’t make the disease disappear. It certainly will not immediately return life to normal.” The San Francisco Chronicle published Why a coronavirus vaccine won’t end the pandemic by itself. Vox published A COVID-19 vaccine may not be enough to end the pandemic. Other journalists, clinician-researchers and public health experts are delivering similar messages.

I cringed when I heard US Senate Major Leader Mitch McConnell say on the PBS NewsHour last night that, “Until we get a vaccine we can’t put this in our rear view mirror.” I was struck by the simplicity and the false certainty of that political statement – as if the first vaccine in the pipeline will put the COVID-19 pandemic in our rear view mirror.

I had statements like that in mind when I decided to assemble this imperfect collection of perspectives. What appears above is by no means an exhaustive list of issues to consider when you hear projections about a vaccine within a few months. It would be exhausting to read an exhaustive list.

These observations reflect on what is known – or thought to be known – in July.  Much more will be known – or thought to be known –  in a few months.  I believe it’s always best to lead with your uncertainties, rather than to project false certainty where it does not exist.

The Fierce Pharma website reported, Merck CEO Frazier says COVID-19 vaccine hype a ‘grave disservice’ to the public. In the article, Merck’s Kenneth Frazier doubts that it’s possible for a COVID-19 vaccine to debut by the end of 2020. Excerpt:

There are massive scientific and logistical obstacles to achieving such a feat, he said.

“What worries me the most is that the public is so hungry, is so desperate to go back to normalcy, that they are pushing us to move things faster and faster,” Frazier said. “Ultimately, if you are going to use a vaccine in billions of people, you’d better know what that vaccine does.”

…By talking up near-term vaccines, Frazier argues officials are enabling the public to ignore common-sense measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, such as wearing a mask.

The Vox piece cited earlier in this summary ended this way:

Taken together, these scenarios highlight just how difficult it is to anticipate the pandemic’s future. But they also show why it’s important to game out what’s possible, to build for the best, and to prepare for the worst. Billions of lives and livelihoods worldwide hang in the balance.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Beshear says case numbers are likely stabilizing, but Kentuckians need to be diligent; state's positive virus test rate rises to 5.81%

Beshear showed this chart to illustrate what Kentucky needs to avoid: a spike like Oklahoma's.
By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Even though new cases of the coronavirus crept up Wednesday, and the percentage of Kentuckians testing positive in the last seven days was the highest it's been in a while, Gov. Andy Beshear continues to be optimistic that the state's numbers are stabilizing. 

Beshear announced 619 new cases on Wednesday, up from 590 yesterday and 522 the day before, but nowhere near the second highest number of 836 reported Saturday. The seven-day average of cases increased to 605, from 590. The governor also announced a positive test rate of 5.81 percent, the highest since testing became widespread. But he accentuated the positive.

"Right now, it looks like we are on track to be relatively stable as compared to last week’s numbers, and that’s a good thing," Beshear said at his daily briefing. 

Beshear noted that the number of new cases have increased the last three consecutive weeks: the week of July 6-12 brought 2,482; the week of July 13 had 3,772; and last week saw 3,918. He attributed that relative stabilization to his mask mandate, which took effect July 10. 

"Right now, even with today's number, we are on track to be right around what we have seen the last two weeks," he said. "That is showing that our willingness to wear a facial covering is stabilizing our numbers or reducing the growth that we would be seeing right now."

But he also warned, "We are nowhere near out of the woods and we are not going to be for at least a couple of weeks." 

He encouraged Kentuckians to "be diligent" about the things they have been asked to do to thwart the spread of the virus. Those include wearing a mask while in public, social distancing, keeping non-commercial social groups to 10 people or less, and not traveling to states with a 15% or more positive test rate, and if they do anyway, quarantining for 14 days when they get back.

To show what could happen, Beshear showed a graph of states' one-week case rates, based on population, and pointed to Oklahoma. He noted that just a few weeks ago the Sooner State had just a few more cases than Kentucky, but once the virus started spreading there and wasn't checked, the state's case numbers escalated quickly. 

"Our job right now, right now is to make sure that we don't have that increase you see in that graph of Oklahoma, and certainly make sure that we don't go that same way as Florida," which was also highlighted on the graph and is the nation's hotspot. "Right now is the moment where we either stop this increase, like you see in Oklahoma or in Florida, or we ultimately suffer the same fate."

Ben Smith, recovering from brain-cancer surgery, holds up a mask
and tells viewers, "Wear it for me," in a new public-service video.
The governor showed one of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky's video public service announcements in its "Wear it for Me" campaign, which will run through August and focus on the importance of wearing masks. The graphics and PSAs are available for download.

Beshear said 17 of Wednesday's new cases were children under 5, the youngest four months old. "Remember, wear your mask for your kids too," he said. "None of us want to ever have to live with the knowledge that we might have spread this to our children, even though it happens. Let's just make sure that we are doing all of the steps to reduce that probability of it ever happening." 

On July 27, the state Supreme Court issued an order saying eviction cases could be filed starting Saturday, Aug. 1, unless they are protected by the latest federal relief law, the CARES Act. Beshear has barred evictions during the pandemic, but three Northern Kentucky landlords have challenged the legality of that in a lawsuit, which is in mediation.

A blog post by the Kentucky Equal Justice Center reported that Beshear is scheduled to mediate with the landlords Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the federal courthouse in Covington. Housing advocates are asking Beshear to keep the moratorium in place, arguing that 220,000 households in the state and at least 1,500 renters in Lexington alone are at risk of being evicted, Beth Musgrave reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader. 

In other covid-19 news Wednesday:
  • Beshear reported that 571 Kentuckians are hospitalized with covid-19 and 112 of them are in intensive care. Both figures were 2.2% less than Tuesday.
  • The state reported five more deaths from the coroanvirus, bringing its death toll to 724: . an 87-year-old woman from Clay County; an 82-year-old man from Graves County; a 77-year-old man from Jefferson County; a 58-year-old woman from Knott County; and a 71-year-old man from McCracken County. 
  • Beshear announced that the death rate from the virus has decreased to 2.5%, from 3%.
  • The governor announced that 23 more residents and one more employee in the state's long-term care facilities have tested positive for the virus. Three more deaths in these facilities have been attributed to covid-19, bringing that total up to 477, including four staff deaths. 
  • Counties with more than 10 new cases Wednesday were Jefferson, 231; Fayette, 45; Kenton, 37; Hopkins, 33; Boone, 24; Graves, Logan and Shelby, 22 each; Warren, 21; Adair, 19; Butler, 15; Jackson, 14; Campbell, 13; Edmonson, 12; Grayson, 11; and Oldham, 10. 
  • Beshear announced that in-person unemployment services will be offered in Louisville Aug. 3-7 at United Auto Workers Local 862, 3000 Fern Valley Road. Click here to register. 
  • Beshear said the Office of Unemployment Insurance reported another security breach on Monday, though he said officials don’t believe anyone’s financial or credit information has been compromised. He said the individuals whose information was viewed have been notified. 
  • J. Michael Brown, secretary of the executive cabinet, said the administration is screening 700 inmates to see if they would qualify for commutation die to then pandemic; he said only those nearing the end of their sentences and are incarcerated for nonviolent, nonsexual offenses are being considered.  Brown said there are 379 active inmate cases of the coronavirus and 53 active staff cases in the state's correctional facilities. He said 432 inmates and 69 staffers have recovered, and eight inmates have died of covid-19. 
  • Health Commissioner Steven Stack posted links on Twitter to "just a handful of articles" about hydroxychloroqine and chloroquine as treatments for covid-19 that show "at this time, medical research has not shown these medications to be meaningfully helpful for this disease.
  • "Two new studies from Germany paint a sobering picture of the toll that covid-19 takes on the heart, raising the specter of long-term damage after people recover, even if their illness was not severe enough to require hospitalization," Elizabeth Cooney reports for Stat. 
  • After being shut down for the next two weeks, two bars in Lexington that have been singled out by the governor told Janet Patton of the Lexington Herald-Leader that they have been working hard on compliance, but need help enforcing the rules. Beshear noted that he had received a thoughtful email from a bar in Lexington. He said that while he recognized that many bars are trying to follow the rules, the industry must do better. 
  • As people lose jobs and health insurance during the pandemic, a Kaiser Family Foundation report shows that Kentucky has led the way in signing people up for Medicaid. The program now covers more than 1.5 million people and grew 7% between March and April, Deborah Yetter reports for the Louisville Courier Journal that the state's Medicaid program has been adding new members at a rate of about 8,000 to 10,000 a week during the pandemic. 
  • Testing shortages and delays have hampered the state's efforts to trace coronavirus clusters, Ryan Van Velzer reports for Louisville's WFPL. "We’re seeing tests take seven to 10 days to come back, which makes contact tracing not possible or feasible, and so it actually makes it seem like why was the test even worth doing in the first place,” said Dr. Sarah Moyer, director of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness
  • The Washington Post reports on "Who should get a coronavirus vaccine first?"
  • The New York Times has published the latest federal report on states' response to the virus, dated July 26, that was distributed to states by the Coronavirus Task Force. 

I can’t tolerate CPAP, what can I do?

Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, is the most common treatment prescribed for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). CPAP involves wearing a mask that fits into the nostrils, underneath or over the nose, or over the nose and mouth, through which pressurized air is delivered via tubing from a machine to keep the upper airway open during sleep. CPAP is recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) as the initial treatment for moderate or severe OSA, and in mild cases of OSA when associated with insomnia, disrupted sleep, or excessive daytime sleepiness. When used consistently, and when treatment is effective, CPAP improves daytime sleepiness, quality of life, and it can have positive impacts on cardiac and metabolic health.

The effectiveness of CPAP depends on using the device correctly and consistently, since OSA is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. Most sleep doctors, myself included, recommend that patients with sleep apnea use their treatment whenever they sleep, in order to derive optimal benefit. While there are many patients who love their CPAP machines and report the treatment to be life-changing, and are unable to sleep without CPAP, there are others who learn to accept and tolerate CPAP because they appreciate either the functional benefits (such as better mood and less daytime sleepiness) or medical improvements they get from using the device. However, many patients struggle with CPAP.

CPAP is not easy and there are common complaints

Despite the many potential benefits, CPAP adherence estimates from clinical data and insurance groups suggest that about 50% of CPAP users either do not reach minimum adherence criteria or discontinue the treatment. Each patient is unique and may have individual struggles with CPAP; however, there tend to be similar themes among users. Some of the common complaints I hear from patients who have trouble tolerating CPAP include

  • mask issues, including mask discomfort, skin irritation or marks, feelings of claustrophobia, or discomfort with the appearance of wearing a mask
  • dryness, especially waking with a dry mouth
  • removing the mask during sleep
  • pressure intolerance, from either too much pressure or not enough pressure; trouble exhaling against the CPAP pressure; or swallowing air (aerophagia)
  • breathing that feels out of sync
  • noise from the machine bothering the patient or their bed partner.

Troubleshooting issues with CPAP tolerance

First and foremost, patients should partner with their doctor and healthcare team. OSA is a serious disease that warrants treatment. Before starting treatment, patients should be educated about OSA, learn about all treatment options and new technologies, and know what to expect with CPAP. Patients benefit from close clinical follow-up, including a review of data from their CPAP device (which may also be important for continued insurance coverage). Family and/or partner support is also important, as friends or family can help encourage and support CPAP use.

Other tips to improve adherence:

  • Behavioral and medication interventions. Cognitive behavioral therapy or short-term use of sleep medications can help people adjust to CPAP.
  • The right mask. If the mask does not fit, the treatment may not work well. There are many mask sizes and types, including nasal masks that fit over or under the nose, nasal pillows that fit in the nostrils, full face masks that cover the mouth and nose, hybrid masks that sit under the nose and cover the mouth, and even helmet masks that cover the face. A mask fitting is advised when patients start treatment, and several fittings may be needed.
  • Mouth breathing is another mask-related factor to consider. When a patient sleeps with their mouth open, the pressure from the CPAP leaks out the mouth. This causes dryness, and also prevents CPAP from keeping the upper airway open. Mask leak can also result in noise and mask removals during sleep. A mask that covers the mouth will probably be needed, though sometimes adding a chinstrap can keep the jaw closed and prevent mouth breathing.
  • The right pressure. Some people require vastly different pressure when on their back vs. on their side, or in one sleep stage vs. another. While a pressure range can be helpful, if the range is too wide, the machine cannot adjust rapidly enough to meet the pressure requirements. Weight changes may also impact pressure requirements. Following device data and/or evaluating with a treatment sleep study in a sleep lab can help identify the best pressure.
  • Address coexisting conditions. Some people use CPAP consistently, tolerate it, but are still sleepy. CPAP is not a substitute for inadequate sleep. Sleep apnea can coexist with other sleep problems that might contribute to daytime sleepiness. Sometimes CPAP is not tolerated because sleep is poor, or fragmented due to other issues such as anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, poor sleep habits, or circadian disorders. These other problems need to be addressed.
  • Consider alternative treatments. CPAP is the first-line treatment, but not the only treatment for OSA. Consider combining treatments or pursuing an alternative treatment if CPAP is not tolerated or is not desired.

New CPAP innovations can help

A variety of technological advances may improve CPAP comfort and adherence. Some of these include

  • heated humidification, a comfort intervention that can help with nasal congestion and dryness
  • ramp-up features that allow the machine to start off at a low or minimal pressure as the patient adjusts and falls asleep
  • expiratory pressure relief, where the pressure from the machine decreases slightly during exhalation, which is especially helpful when a higher pressure setting is needed to keep the airway open
  • auto-titrating CPAP machines, which allow for a range of pressures to be set; the machine self-adjusts the pressure when it senses that more or less pressure is needed to keep the airway open. This is helpful for those who require higher pressures in one body position (back vs. side) or sleep stage (dream/REM sleep vs. nondream/NREM).
  • modems that allow the machine to transmit data (either cellular or by wi-fi), so both the patient and their doctor can determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

The bottom line

CPAP is an effective treatment for OSA. If you are struggling with CPAP tolerance, do not give up, but rather talk to your clinician. Proper education, support, personalized troubleshooting, new technologies, and close clinical follow-up can improve adherence and optimize treatment outcomes.

The post I can’t tolerate CPAP, what can I do? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

What you need to know about the Alzheimer’s test news

Getty Images

For years, substances called tau protein or beta-amyloid have been theorized to be signs or causes of Alzheimer’s disease.  There have been many reports of tests and treatments based on theories that tau and/or amyloid are at least signs, if not causes, of Alzheimer’s. Scientific uncertainty remains about the precise role of tau and amyloid in the disease.

Today’s news about a “breakthrough” test is certainly not the first we’ve heard like that about a possible Alzheimer’s test. On Twitter, former hedge fund manager and TV personality Jim Cramer called it a “major game changer.” Dr. Oz called it a “major breakthrough.” The New York Times headlined its story, ‘Amazing, Isn’t It?’ Long Sought Blood Test for Alzheimer’s in Reach. The story reported:

“Just saying you have amyloid in the brain through a PET scan today does not tell you they have tau, and that’s why it is not a diagnostic for Alzheimer’s,” said Maria Carrillo, chief science officer at the Alzheimer’s Association. By contrast, the tau blood test appears to register the presence of amyloid plaques and tau tangles, both of which are in brains of people with confirmed Alzheimer’s, she said.

“This test really opens up the possibility of being able to use a blood test in the clinic to diagnose someone more definitely with Alzheimer’s,” Dr. Carrillo said. “Amazing, isn’t it? I mean, really, five years ago, I would have told you it was science fiction.”

Note that she said amyloid and tau are both in the brains of people with confirmed Alzheimer’s.  Finding both doesn’t confirm whether they are the chickens or the eggs, the cause, or a sign.  Cause or association? The Alzheimer’s Association calls beta-amyloid a “prime suspect” and calls tau and amyloid “hallmarks” of the disease.

Eight years ago, I wrote, “Amyloid & Alzheimer’s: the cause-and-effect question that some stories still miss.”  As Bloomberg News reported at the time, “scientists aren’t certain whether the (amyloid) clumps cause or are a minor contributor to the disease or merely a consequence.”

Two years ago, we critiqued a Johns Hopkins news release that we felt “prematurely heralds a promising diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s.”  The release described two journal articles that “evaluated ‘tracer’ molecules that might be useful for identifying ‘tau tangles’ — proteins in the brain that occur in patients with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.”

Two years ago, we reported on “rosy speculation about an Alzheimer’s vaccine not yet tested in humans” and how USA Today headlined that it “could cut dementia in half.” The story explained that the vaccine inhibited “buildup of amyloid and tau, two proteins that are hallmarks of the degenerative brain disease.”

Hallmarks of the disease does not necessarily mean that amyloid and tau are causes of the diseases.  They may only be surrogate markers.  Read our primer on the limitations of surrogate markers.

One year ago, Bloomberg News reported, A Blood Test Can Predict Dementia. Trouble Is, There’s No Cure.  Same story this time? Keep reading.

In the first paragraph of the Times story, it describes the findings as “a significant step” with “the potential to make diagnosis simpler, more affordable and widely available.” That is appropriately cautious language. But then the Times projected that “such a test could be available for clinical use in as little as two to three years.”  We’ve been down this road before.

And remember, even if the test achieves those goals, how will doctors treat what they find? Eli Lilly, the drug company working on the test, quoted one of the researchers in its news release today:

“Today the majority of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease around the world do not get a timely diagnosis, which results in suboptimal symptomatic treatment and care.”

But The Alzheimer’s Association reminds us of the sober reality – there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease and no way to stop or slow its progression.

Most of the news stories I saw this afternoon failed to mention this.  So we may soon be able to test better.  But then what?

Three years ago, when we published, 5 questions to ask when writing (and reading) about new Alzheimer’s drug research, we ended by asking readers to be wary of spreading false hope.  That advice, on this topic, still stands today on Alzheimer’s testing and treatment issues.

Because this story broke today, and I’m trying to address some of the early news coverage and social media comments, I will return to add more later if necessary.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Republicans' new relief plan has less for hospitals, nothing for Medicaid; McConnell 'faces flak from both left and right'

Senate Republicans' latest covid-19 relief proposal "sets up new fights over health funding even as the pandemic continues to overwhelm the country," report Dan Diamond and Adam Cancryn of Politico.

"There’s more hospital bailout cash, but it’s well short of demands. Senate Republicans are pitching a $25 billion boost to a hospital bailout fund, bringing the total to $200 billion when combined with past relief measures. That’s well short of the $100 billion infusion the industry has demanded — and that Democrats provided in their relief bill, which passed largely along party lines in May."

Also, the bill has "no additional dollars for Medicaid," Politico reports. "Republicans decided against boosting federal funds for the safety-net program, despite bipartisan calls from governors warning they’ll have to cut benefits without more federal help."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell faces "a difficult path," Politico's John Bresnahan and Andrew Desiderio report: "He faces flak from both his left and right, as Democrats are seeking trillions of dollars more in funding than the Kentucky Republican wants to approve, while a large group of GOP hard-liners opposes new spending altogether. . . .And then there’s Donald Trump and White House officials, who seem more concerned with saving the president’s political career than they are about preserving GOP control of the Senate."

Asked about using part of the August recess to accomplish a package, McConnell responded: "We'll keep you posted. . .. There's no way to answer all those hypotheticals. The interaction with the Democrats has seriously begun."

Beshear sees signs that his mask mandate is slowing the spread of the coronavirus; both key seven-day averages show declines

Kentucky Health News chart; daily case numbers may be adjusted after initial report.
By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Although the number of new coronavirus cases reported Tuesday in Kentucky remained high, at 532, the seven-day average of cases suggested a downward trend, and the percentage of Kentuckians testing positive in the last week dropped a bit.

Gov. Andy Beshear said it is "too early to draw conclusions," but the daily data "at least gives us hope that we may be seeing a plateau or stabilization" because "the time period is right where the facial covering requirement is starting to kick in and help."

Beshear ordered that masks be worn in public places, or in social gathering with people outside the household, starting on July 10 -- with an expectation of seeing results after two weeks, which is roughly the incubation period for the virus. He also limited non-commercial gatherings to 10 people.

But despite those measures, new cases kept escalating, prompting Beshear to take the other two measures recommended by the White House Coronavirus Task Force: closing bars and reducing indoor restaurant capacity for the next two weeks, starting Tuesday.

Then Tuesday brought hopeful signs. The seven-day rolling average for the positive test rate fell to 5.08%, the first time it's gone down in four days, and the seven-day average of daily new cases fell to 590. Four days before, it had been 668, more than triple the average of 220 on July 1.

Looking ahead: Beshear said he expects the state will be able to increase capacity in restaurants again in two weeks. He didn't mention bars, which seem to have had a harder time following the mask mandate and social distancing orders. 

"It is my expectation because I believe these steps will work," he said. "Two weeks gives us a real opportunity and our hope is that we see the impact of the facial coverings before we see some of the impact on restaurants." He said the mask mandate will likely be extended. 

Asked why his latest orders were directed only at bars and restaurants, Beshear said the White House believes they are causing significant spread of the virus. According to limited cluster data provided by the state's health departments, Beshear said 17 percent of the spread in Kentucky has been from restaurants and bars.

Dr. Steven Stack, the state's public-health commissioner, again emphasized masks. "That is the single thing, if we just do it," he said. "If we get over the cultural divide about not wearing these things, this is how we keep businesses open, we keep people working, we get people back to the activities, we get kids back to school." 

Travel risks: Beshear has also issued a travel advisory, asking Kentuckians to not travel to states with a 15% or greater positive-test rate, and to quarantine for 14 days when they get home if they choose to. The official state covid-19 website now includes a list of those states.

The governor said he is hearing that Kentuckians are still traveling to Florida, even with older parents, and "I need everybody that has plans to go to Florida or Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Texas, Arizona -- cancel them." 

Beshear pointed out that the virus "continues to ravage" states around the country, noting that Florida has set a single-day record for deaths and that the virus is now killing a Texan every 6 minutes and 16 seconds. 

"We have the ability to stop this before it gets anywhere close to what we've seen in those states," he said, adding later, "Our goal, and I think what we have done, is to act quickly, to not let it get dire before we take the steps we need and to fully commit, to fully commit to doing what it takes to protect our people, keep our economy open and ultimately get our kids back in school." 

Beshear said 21 of Tuesday's new cases were children under 5, the youngest a two-month-old. He said this is a nationwide trend, which could be driven by more tests, but also because more young people than ever are getting infected. "We can't live under any illusion that kids don't get the virus," he said. 

He said there isn't enough data to show how children are contracting it, but "We know one driving cause is people going on vacation and taking their kids to places that they shouldn't be taking them, and then coming back and then their kids interact with other kids."

Trump and his drug: Nationally, one of the big covid-19 stories Tuesday was President Donald Trump's tweeting, more than a dozen times, in defense of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19, despite no evidence of its efficacy. Trump doubled down on his promotion of the drug at his press conference Tuesday.

Stack, asked about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, provided a lengthy answer about its lack of efficacy:

"All the credible evidence I have seen so far is hydroxychloriquine and chloriquine are not materially helpful; they do not help enough to be worth while for coronavirus. They don't effectively prevent you from getting the disease after you've been exposed to it. When you are sick, they don't help you get better more quickly. When you are sick, they don't help prevent you from having a bad outcome. So, maybe someday there will be some example or some narrow situation where that is not the case, but hydroxychloriquine and chloriquine, with or without the antibiotic Zithromax, which is known as azithromycin, the generic name, have not been shown to meaningfully improve your outcomes."

Stack added, "People, when they are desperate or unwilling to listen to science and facts and evidence, do things . . .that are foolish. O.K. People were taking aquarium chemicals and ingesting them because they thought that it was somehow going to help them with the coronavirus. Ingesting aquarium chemicals will kill you, it won't help you with the coronavirus. So please don't do those things."

Asked if Trump's comments undermined public-health messaging, Stack reiterated the question as asking about when "leaders and others" communicate things that are not supported by science. 

"I would continue to urge everyone in the public, please find people who have dedicated their lives and their professional lives to studying and learning about these things that are important, and listen to credible sources," he said. "I would look to a physician or a public-health expert to advise me on public health stuff. I don't take my car to a medical doctor to get fixed." 

In other covid-19 news Tuesday:
  • Beshear reported that 584 Kentuckians are in hospitalized with covid-19 and 115 of them are in intensive care. Both numbers were smaller than Monday. 
  • He reported 77 more long-term care residents and 31 more staff had tested positive for the virus, and attributed nine more nursing home deaths to the virus. 
  • Beshear reported 10 new deaths from the virus, bringing that total up to 719.They include a 74-year-old woman from Butler County; an 84-year-old man from Fayette County; two women, ages 86 and 87, and an 82-year-old man from Jefferson County; two women, ages 89 and 101, and an 83-year-old man from Logan County; a 37-year-old man from Lyon County; and a 73-year-old woman from Oldham County. He said one of today's deaths was an inmate in the Kentucky State Penitentiary. 
  • Counties with ten or more cases include Jefferson, 130; Fayette, 27; Kenton, 24; Madison, 19; Warren, 17; Barren and Graves, with 14 each; Boone and Harlan, with 12 each; Christian, 11; and Laurel, 10.  
  • Eric Friedlander said the state will not be continuing the temporary Medicaid plans beyond July 31, but instead is working to sign those who qualify up for regular Medicaid plans. 
  • The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department, which reports on a different schedule than the state, reported a record 116 new cases Tuesday. "The number of cases reported in the last two weeks has matched the total number of cases reported in all of June," 2,972, the Lexington Herald-Leader reports. The new one-day high means each of Lexington’s top five case days have come since July 10."
  • The Kentucky High School Football Coaches Association Board of Control voted Tuesday to delay high school football games until Sept. 11 due to the pandemic. The previously scheduled start date had been Aug. 21, Mike Dyer reports for WCPO Cincinnati.
  • As schools make plans to re-open this fall, their budgets are being stretched by the added cost of the coronavirus, Kristen Kennedy reports for WKYT. “We’re spending about $50,000 to replace water fountains with water bottle fillers. We’re spending another $40,000 with new no-touch cleaning equipment,” said Scott County Superintendent Dr. Kevin Hub. “We’ve got about $25,000 we’ve already spent on the point and shoot thermometers to meet the requirement, the temperature check, before school entry.” Hub told Kennedy that the county had received about $1.2 million in federal funds from the CARES Act as well as state funding from the governor's allotment to public school districts. 
  • A recent survey of 1,011 parents in the Vanderbilt child Health Covid-19 Poll found that since covid hit, nearly 27 percent of them said their mental health had worsened, 14.3% said their children's behavioral health had declined and 9.6% said both their mental health and their children's behavioral health had declined, Medpage Today reports.
  • Becker's Hospital CFO Report notes nine things in the Senate Republican's $1 trillion covid-19 relief package, called the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools Act. Seven of the nine are related to health.  Inside Health Policy also expands on the details of the package. Jason Bailey, executive director of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, says in a detailed statement that this proposal "provides nowhere near the aid Kentucky and the nation needs to get through the re-surging covid-19 economic and health crisis."