Thursday, July 9, 2020

Free, day-long webinar Wed., July 15, will explore the global consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on frontline workers

Health Watch USA and the Massachusetts Nurses Association are co-sponsoring a free, day-long webinar Wednesday, July 15, to examine the global consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on frontline workers.

"Through the Eyes of the Frontline: Covid-19," will include health-care and other frontline professionals from Singapore, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States, who will discuss the challenges they faced during the initial surge of the pandemic, with recommendations for strategies to lessen the impact of a resurgence.

The webinar will be held from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Click here to register. Questions can be directed to the Massachusetts Nurses Association at 781-821-4625 or, with "Covid Webinar" in the subject line. Contact hours will be provided.


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