Thursday, July 23, 2020

Foundation's annual policy forum shifts gears in pandemic, to be a series of monthly webinars on children's health, starting Sept. 21

The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky's 20th annual policy forum will focus on policies and programs that reduce the chances of disease and unhealthy behaviors that often begin in childhood, including substance use, suicide and vaping.

The Howard L. Bost Memorial Health Policy Forum, which typically draws 350 policymakers, health advocates and health care providers, will be a monthly webinar series this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The first webinar will be held at 2 p.m. ET Sept. 21. Dates for the others will be announced soon, the foundation said.

The foundation is partnering with Kentucky Youth Advocates in offering this year's forum, titled "Moving Kids Toward Natural Highs: Kentucky Opportunities to Prevent Youth Substance Use, Suicide and Risky Behaviors."

The series will feature speakers on "The State of Child Health in Kentucky" (September), "Intervening Early" (October), "Promoting Healthy Lifestyles through Nutrition and Physical Activity" (November), "Understanding Youth and Building Good Mental Health" (December), and "Stopping Vaping and Substance Use" (January). In each webinar, a Kentucky youth will offer comments regarding peer interventions, except the one regarding early interventions.


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