Wednesday, July 8, 2020

In front-page editorial, Louisville Courier Journal urges Beshear to order Kentuckians to wear face masks in public

In a very unusual move, the Louisville Courier Journal published a front-page editorial Wednesday asking Gov. Andy Beshear to require Kentuckians to wear masks in public places to thwart the spread of the coronavirus.

"Stop wagging your finger at the commonwealth, Gov. Beshear, urging all of us across Kentucky to please, pretty please, voluntarily wear a mask in public places," the editorial begins. "It’s time to make it mandatory. It’s time to acknowledge that we’re living in a covid-19 pandemic with no immediate promise of a vaccine; no signs of a swift end to its devastating course."

The editorial notes the record number of new cases found Tuesday and asks Beshear, "What more evidence must you be shown that it’s time for an executive order to make wearing a mask in public places a requirement? You have pointed to the fact that Kentucky remains on a 'plateau,' with new covid-19 cases ranging from around 100 to 300 a day. Tuesday’s update reveals we’re now closer to 400 cases than 300. We cannot wait until coronavirus cases are spiraling out of control as they are in some states. Look around, Governor. Kentucky is basically surrounded by states that are seeing red-hot increases."

The editorial notes public behavior: "Simply urging Kentuckians to wear face coverings is not enough. And it’s not working. Look around. It’s shocking how many people aren’t wearing masks. They aren’t wearing them in grocery stores or shopping malls or other public places. . . . Relying on Kentuckians to use their good judgment could be deadly. Too many people are putting their neighbors at risk."


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